Adam Sandler Update – The Story and Apparently Some Actors, Get Darker

- Funny
- Offensive
May 1, 2015 – Details of the previously reported uprising on the set of Adam Sandler’s movie The Ridiculous Six have now grown more detailed…and “colorful.” The original ruckus resulted after a number of Native American actors found the script offensive to women, elders and Native American culture in general. Stories are now surfacing via the Hollywood Reporter that the film’s makeup team have been darkening African-American and Asian actors in an effort to make them appear Native American.
Allison Young, one of the actors in the Netflix production, corroborated these otherwise anonymous accounts telling MSNBC, “I’m full-blooded Navajo and they bronzed me. I was quite confused.” She went on to add, “that says something when the cultural advisor for the film quits because he’s offended.”
A cell phone video capturing some of the earlier confrontations on set is now widely circulating online:
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5 thoughts on “Adam Sandler Update – The Story and Apparently Some Actors, Get Darker”
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What if a native american wrote a movie calling Sandler a Nickle Nosed Oven Magnet Penny Chaser? Wouldn’t that be soooo funny??
Adam Sandler needs to go away.
Anything Adam Sandler is involved in is offensive.
we’re talking about adam sandler here – not daniel day lewis
Whiny little Biotches are whiny.