Coronavirus Porn Is Here To Provide Some “Comic Relief”

- Funny
- Offensive
Have you been a bad(ly infected) girl?
March 5th, 2020 – You can’t keep a good porn down. Or, maybe better put, the coronavirus can’t keep disease porn from becoming a thing. Since the outbreak of the virus, which has killed over 3,200 people worldwide, schools have shut down, travel has halted, a bajillion masks have been purchased, and, now, coronavirus porn has gone viral.
While a quick search on Pornhub will show you over 100 videos surrounding the coronavirus, there are a few that stand out. And one that even highlights a particularly devastated area: Wuhan, China.
Porn actors Spicy x Rice are the brains and bodies behind “Bodycam Footage (CDC Agent) Investigates Deserted Wuhan” and “TSA AGENT DETAINS WOMAN SUSPECTED OF CORONAVIRUS.” In “Deserted Wuhan” a man wearing a hazmat suit walks through the affected area and then suddenly gets attacked by an infected woman. They proceed to do things that are likely not cool with the Center for Disease Control.

Spicy told a Vice reporter that he and Rice know people stuck in Wuhan and didn’t want to make light of the devastating impact the virus has had but, instead, provide content to take their minds off of it. They also felt like they were tuned in to people’s innate attraction to “things that make us come alive.”
“I think people are attracted to COVID-19 themed porn the same way people who are scared of their shadow are attached to horror movies: We are all searching for things that make us come alive,” he said. “COVID-19 is something that brings fear and mystery to pretty much everyone in the world right now… You need to be able to feel something, and what better way to make you feel something than the global crisis we are all in right now.”
In another video titled “COVID-19 Coronavirus: Horny Slut Has to Use Protection During Outbreak,!” performers Chase Poundher and Little Squirtles pumps the breaks on the “Daddy, I’m horny” storyline in order to deliver a PSA on the virus and how to properly wear a protective mask. They made the video available free of charge and credit Delta Airlines’ safety videos for the inspiration.

Another porn site, xHamster, is doing their part to calm people’s fears during the outbreak. Last month, they announced an offer to provide their premium accounts for free to regions overwhelmingly affected by the Coronavirus.
Both Spicy x Rice and Chase and Squirtles re-emphasized that the thinking behind the viral virus videos was to provide some “comic relief” rather than tap into a fetish.
“We thought we would use our porn as an avenue to get some legitimate information out with some comic relief included to get people interested and reduce our chances of being banned,” Spicy said. “This sparked the idea, knowing every current event ends up as a porn eventually, we knew people will be searching for it on less censored platforms like Pornhub.”
“I think people are searching for it as a silly novelty,” Chase added. “I think it’s a minority who actually wack off to this kind of content. There are a lot of people with a mask kink, but I don’t think that is directly related to this COVID-19 trend. I think it’s attractive to people because it can help lighten the mood on a serious subject.”