
Dominos – Bad at Pizza, Possibly Worse at Marketing

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May 27, 2015 – Dominos is generally better known for their convenience than the actual quality of their pizza. That being said, they’ve been on an all out blitz as of late introducing a wide range of new products and specials. And they’re doing everything they can to get your attention.

Recently, Dominos introduced their online “pizza tracker” which keeps the hungry you informed after your order is placed. Cute. But that wasn’t enough. Someone in Dominos marketing clearly felt their wasn’t enough cheese in their product and decided to splash it all over the aforementioned tracker as well, allowing the customer to pick a variety of themes to carry them through the process.

One of the options presented here contains a voice-over reminiscent of an after hours R&B disc jockey who somehow manages to uncomfortably sexualize the pizza making process. Comments on the tracker have ranged from “racist” to simply “creepy.”

Definitely cheesy, but is the Domino’s online tracker Funny or Offensive? Vote and Comment now!


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