Greatest Game Show Bloopers of All Time

- Funny
- Offensive
Wrong Answer!
March 30th, 2017 – Back in the day, we could all go to the DVD menu of our recently purchased TV series and find some extra goodies in the “Special Features” section. This section often included bloopers and those slip-ups were sometimes better than the episodes themselves. They were certainly more entertaining than the “Subtitles” section.
Now that we can fill our bloopers void online as opposed to those archaic DVD things, we can find a treasure trove of hilarious, often times inappropriate bloopers from the land of game shows. Here you’ll find many a sexual innuendo, Price Is Right model slip-ups and Steve Harvey losing patience with Americans.
Take a look back at 10 of the most outrageous game show bloopers.
1. The Age of Consent
In 2015, a Jeopardy contestant almost turned into a To Catch A Predator contestant when he answered very incorrectly to Alex Trebek’s question. He was looking for “puberty,” but Tom answered with “age of consent.” Awkwardness and Twitter jokes ensued.
2. Wheel Of Shi_t
Sometimes the letters just aren’t there and Pat Sajak has some shi_t on the board. After some incorrect letter guesses and a bankrupt spin, the letter “r” saved the day.
3. Wheelchairs and Treadmills
CBS had to release a statement when a contestant, who uses a wheelchair, won a treadmill. “Prizes are determined in advance of the show and are not decided based on the contestants.” The contestant had a good attitude about it; Twitter did not.
What’s the Price is Right going to do next? Give a liquor cabinet to an alcoholic?
— Michelle Milliken (@MichelleyM) May 6, 2015
For the first time ever I saw a woman in a wheelchair make it on the Price Is Right. Her prize was a treadmill. God is very very cruel.
— Typical Sterlo. (@TeamSterlo) May 5, 2015
4. Family Feud Honesty
Steve Harvey can’t control his contestants’ answers, and sometimes he can’t control his answers. No word on how long the wife laughed after the filming.
5. “What’s a hoe?”
A hoe, a rake – what’s the difference? Ken from Jeopardy fame wants to know! Alex Trebek gave a “no” and then a “whooaaa” after an incorrect answer.
6. Yellow = Chinese? Nope.
A New Zealand children’s game show from the 80s featured an episode that would probably be edited out today. In answering the question “If we refer to someone as ‘yellow’ we consider them what?” a young, white girl answered “Chinese?” To get the correct answer of “cowardly,” the hosts turns to another contestant: a Chinese boy.
7. Tubular Moment on Price is Right
In 1977, a contestant named Yolanda was called to come on down and her breasts came on out, as well. Her tube top dropped and the audience and Bob Barker exploded with nervous laughter. “Whatever brought this on, Johnny, this is the way I want it every day,” Barker joked to the announcer.
8. Turd Ferguson. It’s a funny name.
Sometimes pranks and bloopers go hand in hand, and a Jeopardy contestant delighted SNL fans when she pranked Alex Trebek into saying “What is the love ballad of Turd Ferguson?” This was the name “character Burt Reynolds” tried to get “character Alex Trebek” to call him during a long-running sketch.
9. Richard Gere inspired answer
Steve Harvey has become the master of dead face when reacting to a contestant’s outrageous answer. He gave a solid dead face when a lady responded with “gerbil” to “Name something a doctor might pull out of a person.”
10. Making Whoopie In…
This blooper has actually made it to the number one spot on a countdown hosted by Bob Eubanks. The host of The Newlywed Game asked a young wife “Where specifically is the weirdest place that you personally have gotten the urge to make whoopie?” Her answer: In the a**hole? Eubanks yells over the laughter with the clarification “No, what I’m talking about is the weirdest location.” The blooper is often considered an uber legend, but rest assured it really happened.