Norm Macdonald Bids Farewell to David Letterman

- Funny
- Offensive
May 16, 2015 – The normally dry Canadian comedian, Norm Macdonald, was anything but during his final set on The Late Show with David Letterman. The sometimes controversial “comic’s comic” both choked and teared up in his closing minutes. The two funnymen share significant history including Late Night with David Letterman giving Macdonald his first televised stand-up appearance and quickly bringing him back after he was unceremoniously let go from Saturday Night Live.
“This will be my last time on the David Letterman show, I understand. Will all know that David Letterman was the greatest talk-show host who ever lived. But I remember Dave differently. The first time I saw him, I was 13 years old. I was living in Toronto, Canada, and I went to a talk show they have there, and David Letterman was the stand-up comedian on the show. I loved stand-up. David Letterman did this joke that I told everybody. I love this joke. It still stays with me as my favorite stand-up joke ever. I’d like to do it for you, if you’d like to hear.
He goes, “I was on the street the other day and I saw a garbage truck, and on the back of the garbage truck there was a small sign that said, ‘Please do not follow too closely.’ Another of life’s simple pleasures ruined by meddling bureaucracy, ladies and gentleman. Remember the old days, when dad would pile the kids in a station wagon and we’d all go and follow a garbage truck.”
Mr. Letterman is not for the mawkish, and he has no truck for the sentimental. If something is true, it is not sentimental. And I say in truth, I love you.”
Enjoy Norm Macdonald’s touching goodbye: