German Parade Float Shows Trump Raping Statue Of Liberty Before Losing His Head

- Funny
- Offensive
Objects On Float May Be Grosser Than They Appear
April 13th, 2017 – Parade floats at the Rosenmontag (Rose Monday) Carnival parade in Düsseldorf, Germany recently turned a few heads after showing the severed head of recently inaugurated Donald Trump. The parade is an annual tradition in the town and took place in February – showcasing floats mocking the political establishment. As some coverage of the event put it: “The constitution is under attack – and it retaliates.”
The float getting the most attention for its message and imagery is that of President Trump raping the Statue of Liberty followed by another one where Lady Liberty is proudly holding the severed head of the commander-in-chief. The angry, disgusted expression on the statue’s face has morphed into a proud, smiling appearance once the head is in her hands and the words “AMERICA, RESIST” are spelled out across her chest.
“German Carnival floats show Trump no mercy”
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) February 27, 2017
#political satire is a traditional element to #Germany ‘s #Rosenmontag carnival parade… my favorite ? #Trump 🙂 @OccupyWallStNYC
— Tamer Yazar (@tameryazar) February 27, 2017
The parades are a long-standing tradition and span across all of Germany the days before Ash Wednesday. The events in Düsseldorf and Cologne are the biggest spectacle, airing live on German TV stations and drawing a reported 1 – 1.5 million people to the streets.
In 2016, then-candidate Trump was already a target having the crying reality TV star’s hair shout “MAKE FASCISM GREAT AGAIN” at the Statue of Liberty.
And while the float’s motives are publicly discussed and meant to send a political message, the designs this year have left absolutely no doubt about how far the resistance will go to share their objections.
Additional floats showed Trump shoulder-to-shoulder with French presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen, Dutch politician Geert Wilders and Adolf Hitler. Their blonde hairs were perfectly placed and their banner read “Blond is the new brown.” Still other floats showed Trump as a school boy dragging Hillary Clinton in front of Vladimir Putin, Trump as a clumsy elephant and Trump as a caterpillar chomping away at the leaf of democracy. And, for good measure, Trump as Darth Vader.
#Trump as #DarthVader with stormtroopers: #carnival float in #Duesseldorf #Rosenmontagszug #carnival2017 #Karneval #Düsseldorf #Mottowagen
— Oliver P. Bayer ? (@kreon_nrw) February 27, 2017
Carnival is known as die fünfte Jahreszeit (the fifth season) in German. This extra season provided a lot of extra commentary with little to no filter. As Germany’s The Local puts it: “It is a time when the usual rules of polite society are thrown out the window.