The 10 Most Offensive Posts of 2016

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Posted in:
December 30, 2016
The 10 Most Offensive Posts of 2016 According to YOU:
10: Customer Writes ‘We Only Tip Citizens’ On Receipt To Latina Server
9: Donald Trump Calls On Second Amendment People To Stop Clinton
8: Joe’s Crab Shack in Hot Water Over Lynching Photo
7: Scalia Jokes Appear Online Within Minutes
6: Charlie Hebdo Cartoon Takes Aim at Dead Refugee Child
5: Trump Compares Immigrants to Snakes in Dramatic Reading of R&B Song
4: Michelle and Melania Cartoon Explodes on Twitter
3: David Spade Burns Pete Davidson With 9/11 Joke
2: N-Word Knockout Video Becomes Viral Meme
1: Public Bomb Scare Pranks by the Jalal Brothers
*Rankings determined by absolute number of votes, not final percentage.
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