10 Valentine’s Day Greetings That Will Get Your Heart Racing

- Funny
- Offensive
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue…
February 14th, 2017 (Pssst…it’s Valentine’s Day) – It’s often said that there are two types of people on Valentine’s Day: the “mushy, love-y dove-y heart explosions” crowd and the “cynical, this is all a money-making scheme for Hallmark” crowd. But, the thing is, there are probably as many different types of people to categorize for V-day as there are gender options for Facebook users.
There are those who appreciate humor over traditional romance. There are those who revel in being by themselves. There are even those who dig up mocking Victorian Valentines greetings, which were popular during the mid-to-late 1800s.
So we’ve done our saintly duty of rounding up the most eye-catching Valentine’s Day greeting that will get your heart racing for a variety of reasons!