Dead Cat Purse Sold Fur A Lofty Price

- Funny
- Offensive
September 21st, 2016 – A New Zealand artists has sold one of her purses online, and that purse is made out of a dead cat she found seven years ago. Labeling it as a “REAL Glamour puss PURSE,” Claire Hobbs was able to sell the now accessory on the online marketplace Trade Me for $545.
It’s not known if curiosity killed the cat, but Hobbs has made clear that she definitely didn’t either. According to New Zealand newspaper Stuff, the cat was roadkill and Hobbs kept it in a freezer for three months while she checked community boards for any notice of a lost pet matching what she found. Hobbs is listed as a Christchurch taxidermist who also sells hybrid stuffed cat-birds and chicken-cats.
“A very stylish handbag …for the girl that has everything a one off purse that will grab attention where ever you go,” her ad states.
This handbag will last for years and years as long as it is looked after.
The purse strap is easily changed to suit your taste….”
Hobbs continues to oppose criticism that her work is insensitive and cruel. She actually counters those comments by saying her actions show respect.
“To spend all that time on tanning and sculpture and making it brand new shows the utmost respect,” she said. “I guess because it’s a domestic animal people get a bit funny about it. I don’t kill animals for my work, it’s not as though I go around snuffing out animals thinking this’ll make a nice handbag.”
However, responses to the purse are still coming in mixed.
Trade Me spokesman Logan Mudge said the site often relies on a “wait and see approach” when there is no legal line and are taking a temperature check to see how the online community responds.
“It is certainly a statement bag and while it’s not for me, we suspect there will be a buyer out there who is keen. This is a pretty unusual bag and we expect the auction will attract a lot of attention over the next few days,” Mudge said.

The “REAL Glamour puss PURSE” bidding closed last night, so you can’t purchase this exact piece, but you can let us know your thoughts. Is this simply a creative accessory or is it an insensitive use of an animal for the creation of a good? Funny or Offensive? Vote and comment below.