Donald Trump Calls Out Dishonest Media Over Star of David Tweet

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Star Tweet FROZEN In Time
July 7th, 2016 – Presumptive Republican presidential nominee and cable news fixture Donald Trump is keeping his “Crooked Hillary/Star of David” tweet in the news by calling out the “dishonest” media’s silence when Frozen also appeared to use the image on the packaging of a child’s sticker book.
Where is the outrage for this Disney book? Is this the ‘Star of David’ also?
Dishonest media! #Frozen— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 7, 2016
Trump was at the center of the online controversy earlier this week after his now deleted tweet was called into question. The anti-Hillary tweet depicted the Democratic nominee as she appeared in a Fox News report atop a background of stacks of cash. The ad declared Clinton as the “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” alluding to Trump’s appellation for the former Secretary of State, “Crooked Hillary.”
The controversy centered on the imagery the ad employed to convey its message. The Clinton-bashing text was printed on a six-pointed star, widely recognized as a Star of David. Critics charge the image was evocative of anti-Semitic attacks perpetrated by white nationalist and other racist extremist groups.
While Trump protested, via his Twitter page, that the media was not being forthright the Trump campaign initially declined to issue an official statement in response to the criticism. Nor did the real estate mogul turned politician’s campaign address reports that the same Hillary graphic appeared on an anti-Semitic message board ten days before being posted by Trump’s official Twitter account. In a statement later released by the campaign a Trump spokesman was quoted dismissing the criticism outright:
“These false attacks by Hillary Clinton trying to link the Star of David with a basic star, often used by sheriffs who deal with criminals and criminal behavior, showing an inscription that says ‘Crooked Hillary is the most corrupt candidate ever’ with anti-Semitism is ridiculous.”
The campaign neglected to release the source of the image; nor was the party responsible for creating the image identified. The Trump campaign suggested the image was common to commercially available computer software and was an attack on Clinton’s perceived criminality. The statement asserted use of the six-pointed star was an allusion to law enforcement and not a coded anti-Semitic message.
“The sheriff’s badge — which is available under Microsoft’s ‘shapes’ — fit with the theme of corrupt Hillary and that is why I selected it,” their Facebook post read.
The Trump spokesman, Dan Scavino Jr., also refuted claims that the use of the Star of David image, despite being a generally accepted symbol of Jewish identity, was intended to offend and denied the possibility of anti-Jewish sentiment citing on his on Twitter account his close Jewish family members.
The graphic in question was eventually removed only to reappear with the star replaced by a circle. In a speech given in Ohio, Trump declared he regretted removing the original star version of the graphic saying he “should have left it.”
Seems something changed? That’s ok, we welcome the hidden hand exposing itself.#MakeAmericaGreatAgain#AmericaFirst — David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) July 3, 2016
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