Dutch Program Mocks American Gun Debate With ‘Nonsensical Rifle Addiction’ Sketch (video)

- Funny
- Offensive
Europe vs NRA
October 12th, 2017 – While tragedies like this month’s mass shooting in Las Vegas may seem all too common, those outside the United States are struggling to comprehend why they keep happening. On a recent installment of Sunday with Lubach, a Dutch satirical program, America’s fascination with firearms was put squarely in the crosshairs. The gun-centered segment highlighted Europe’s collective befuddlement over U.S. gun culture by mocking the powerful gun advocacy group, the National Rifle Association.
The popular Dutch program hosted by comedian, Arjen Lubach, rose to prominence with its take downs of the Dutch monarchy but gained fame outside its native land with a parody video mocking former reality star turned political figure, Donald Trump.
Citing the most vulnerable as people found in “rural areas or Congress,” the three-minute spoof goes on to call America’s gun problem a “devastating humanitarian crisis.” The video casts the latest statistics about gun-related fatalities as evidence of a “terrible epidemic” called “Nonsensical Rifle Addiction.” A voiceover tells European viewers to pledge funds to pay for “water, blankets, facts, insights, statistics and truth bombs” after laying out the progression of the disease:
“NRA is a constitutional disorder caused by a dysfunction of the Prefrontal Second Amendment in the nonsensical cortex, causing patients to shoot people. It starts with a innocent Colt, but soon patients will show signs of shotguns, sniper rifles, and M16s even. Often, patients use silencers to hide their condition.”
A Dutch TV comedy perfectly sums up America’s gun problem https://t.co/aU9BWyhp5a pic.twitter.com/BwvliZdFeR
— HuffPost (@HuffPost) October 9, 2017
The accompanying images mimic the melodramatic montages of PSAs shown in the aftermath of earthquakes and other natural disasters. The video trumpets the success of the Alcoholics Anonymous-style “NRAA” in addressing the suffering of people afflicted with the condition.
As the foreign-born hosts of American-based talk shows are being criticized for speaking out, it is telling that a country where you’re as likely to be killed by poison gas as by gunshot is having a hard time understanding the 11,000 gun-related deaths already in the U.S.
So is the Dutch diss off target or are they just straight shooters? Funny or Offensive? Vote and let us know what you think…
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