
NBC Rainbow Rant: Straight Man Throws Hissy Fit Over Network’s Not Gay Peacock Logo

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NBC Rainbow Rant

June 30, 2015 – An Arkansas man went on a colorful NBC rainbow rant, accusing his local affiliate of changing its iconic peacock logo to the “colors of gays.” Peacocks in reality have been sporting such plumage for thousands of years, and NBC has done the same for over 50. Perhaps the network has been subversively supporting gay marriage since beginning to use the logo shown here in 1962…


Nothing of course had actually changed with the logo – just the viewer’s gay-dar.

Don Stair, has since deleted his comment on KARK 4 News‘ Facebook page which slammed the NBC affiliate while mistakenly assuming that they were publicly supporting same-sex marriage with the rainbow imagery.

“Your changing your station logo with the colors of gays is a disgrace. Just stay out of it… Your integrity is ruined… ABC KATV is my choice in the future for all Little Rock station viewing… Shame on you!”

But Don was not alone in his rainbow rage. Another viewer quickly chimed in:

“Oh so gay people can marry now and your media relations group have the graphics team change the peacock to the gay pride colors?!”

KARK 4 took what must have been an incredibly difficult high-road with their painfully polite response:

“We didn’t change our logo Don. Same logo as always.”

Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 3.21.38 PM

No reply from Don yet but we suspect he may be at Baskin-Robinns protesting the “colors of gays” sherbet.

So is Don’s NBC rainbow rant Funny or Offensive? Vote and Comment now!


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4 thoughts on “NBC Rainbow Rant: Straight Man Throws Hissy Fit Over Network’s Not Gay Peacock Logo

  1. I can’t speak for Don, but I was the “supporter” and boy oh boy there are some sinners on this website. #adamandevenotadamandsteve

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