Tiger King: 25 Tweets About the Netflix Hit That’s Taken Over Our Lives

- Funny
- Offensive
“Redneck Game of Thrones”
March 26th, 2020 – Quarantine life seems to consist of relying heavily on binging any and all shows that take our minds off of a global pandemic for an hour or two (or seven). It’s a time to catch up on old shows that passed us by and new ones that are thankfully still being released. If you rode the Game of Thrones train while it was airing but are still looking for murder, mayhem, and a wild cast of characters, go ahead and click play on Tiger King.
All that will be required of you is to trade dragons for tigers. Bewilderment is coming.
The seven-part Netflix docuseries revolves around the world of exotic pet ownership and the lengths people will go to keep their big cat worlds alive. If that description doesn’t seem salacious enough, just know that two of the main characters are named “Joe Exotic” and “Bhagavan ‘Doc’ Antle” and their main nemesis is a woman named Carole who runs a big cat rescue (where she also locks up tigers) and was a prime suspect in her late husband’s disappearance.
Oh, and there’s a former cocaine drug lord who many believe to be the inspiration for Scarface. And, again, Carole is accused of feeding her husband to tigers.
The doc was directed by Eric Goode and Rebecca Chaiklin and shot to the number one streaming slot on Netflix within days of its release. While some viewers have criticized the show for emphasizing sensationalism over substance, it still dives into meaty debates (aside from the expired hot dogs Joe Exotic buys from Walmart) such as breeding, wildlife preservation, legislation and PETA’s extreme tactics in protesting exotic pet ownership.
Let’s be honest, though, when Doc creates a quasi-sex cult at his zoo and Joe Exotic manages to get two straight guys to marry him, the sensationalism wins. So, drink that next glass of wine, try to remember what day it is, and enjoy the best Tiger King jokes we could wrangle up!
I’m with you on this one, Joe! Lol. #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/Oaz465RZxQ
— South End Cinema (@SouthEndCinema) March 26, 2020
Homegirl got her arm ripped off by a tiger and Joe Exotic’s first move was to throw on the EMS bomber. The drip never takes a backseat. #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/FkOksCiGRs
— Cowboy Ceaux (@_ceaux) March 25, 2020
I’m telling my kids this is the medic who saved us from Coronavirus #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/OVP56g083F
— Carra D (@CTCarra) March 26, 2020
Carole Baskin is the CEO of why white people should never be left unattended #tigerking pic.twitter.com/L5tLlgyvqA
— lauren brett bragg (@laurennotconrad) March 26, 2020
gonna tell my kids this was Johnny Cash #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/S2k3lYCimE
— maybe: maddie (@mad_rope) March 26, 2020
Finished #TigerKing and I think I went through every possible emotion on the human spectrum. It really is the redneck game of thrones pic.twitter.com/PlxCjNVF2r
— Hunter Tyson (@huntertyson30) March 26, 2020
Me explaining #TigerKing to my mom:
— Pete Stegemeyer (@itspeterj) March 24, 2020
There’s a magician, meth head, tiger tamer, country singer, gay polygamist, an Alex Jones type but with live tigers in his videos, and presidential/gubernatorial candidate.
Mom: that’s too many people to track
Me: oh that’s just one guy
Joe Exotic: Alright. I’m going to be honest. A tiger did just bite someone’s arm off.
— Brett Sours (@BrettCemetery) March 24, 2020
People in the gift shop buying tiger keychains: pic.twitter.com/DYsDPPNjLV
All the boys coming out of self-isolation after cutting their own hair for months. #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/ID2Vzw7Qcx
— Krista (@Krista_B_85) March 24, 2020
Okay I cast a fake Tiger King movie with comedians and… am I wrong? (Thread!) pic.twitter.com/aExVyHHh3u
— Netflix Is A Joke (@NetflixIsAJoke) March 26, 2020
Everyone: OMG “Love is Blind” is so crazy! @netflix: #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/K1wimMSVi5
— Andrew (@Andymoog137) March 25, 2020
Am I just losing it in quarantine or did anyone else notice a resemblance?#TigerKing pic.twitter.com/nVCfKVnBBF
— Norman Golightly (@NormanGolightly) March 26, 2020
If the lead detective in my murder case has a monkey butler… please ask for another detective! 🕵️♂️ #TigerKing #TigerKingNetflix pic.twitter.com/RquuBbtExo
— Adrian Funtimes (@AdrianFunTimes) March 24, 2020
Not sure who made this but I’m grateful. #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/p0MPFSg9DN
— Emily Brown (@EmilyBrownTeach) March 24, 2020
— Moody’s Point (@Krazykarenn) March 23, 2020
Carole: “If someone wanted to have a cat eat you they’d pour sardine oil on you I don’t know”
Hmmmm that is awfully specific Carole…. pic.twitter.com/NN9G0kidvY
#TigerKing was so insane that by the time this guy pulled up with a skeleton riding shotgun I didn’t even blink and the show didn’t feel the need to explain it pic.twitter.com/tTzJloh74e
— Ramsey N. Closet (@ram_punzel) March 24, 2020
I refuse to believe this lawyer has ever lost a case with this power tie. #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/n5ZwJBkqjp
— Dave Portnoy (@stoolpresidente) March 22, 2020
I cannot believe that literal Scarface was the most sane and likable person from #TigerKing
— Zach (@Zach_United_412) March 25, 2020
the least surprising information I’ve ever been presented with #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/aJsCXYTzFD
— lauren (@laurenhebert) March 24, 2020
And people say white people dont have culture. #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/GmW94EY1RW
— Dan Baxter (@baxter4133) March 23, 2020
these memes are the only thing getting me out of bed #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/MWk4iWGfRu
— kristie.zimmerman (@kpzimmerman75) March 26, 2020
This dude definitely asked the producers to put a totally unnecessary action scene of him riding his jet ski in the series lmao #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/tk0LZSgrRw
— Tom Maguffin (@tmaguffin) March 23, 2020
This is what we are all watching as the world ends. Who would have thought it could also be educational? #TigerKing #TigerKingNetflix pic.twitter.com/yH4qkFkAEX
— The Fritz (@KissMyFritz) March 26, 2020
Joe Exotic is all of us right now pic.twitter.com/Rx3zsTuddJ
— tom sandoval’s ass tattoo (@theblybly) March 21, 2020
Joe Exotic would be thrilled to know that he alone brought a nation together as we weathered a pandemic. #TigerKing pic.twitter.com/QXsjuqOjS9
— Courtney (@snoop_court) March 24, 2020