Senator Al Franken Cancels ‘Real Time With Bill Maher” Appearance

- Funny
- Offensive
Book Tour Detour Amid Controversy
June 6th, 2017 – Senator Al Franken has cancelled his scheduled appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher after the host used the n-word during a live interview with Senator Ben Sasse last week. Franken, the junior senator for Minnesota, announced yesterday that he would not tape the Friday episode adding that he was glad Maher had apologized.
“What Bill Maher said was inappropriate and offensive, which is why he made the decision not to appear on the next episode of ‘Real Time,’” a spokesman said in a statement. “He was glad to see Bill, who the senator considers to be a good friend, apologize and express sincere regret for his comment.”
Maher apologized following swift backlash saying “Friday nights are always my worst night of sleep because I’m up reflecting on the things I should or shouldn’t have said on my live show. Last night was a particularly long night as I regret the word I used in the banter of a live moment. The word was offensive and I regret saying it and am very sorry.”
Senator Franken has been a guest many times on the show bringing laughs and political perspective as a veteran comedian, writer and actor. Before election to the senate in 2008, Franken spent 15 years writing and performing on SNL, writing satirical political books, and hosting radio shows.
The senator has been on a book tour, dropping by many boundary-pushing comedic shows including Chelsea and Full Frontal. Al Franken: Giant of the Senate details his fight to stifle jokes in an attempt to be recognized as a serious political figure. But with a sense of security in his reelection, he’s now letting the jokes fly off the page.
And while he credits humor for helping him forge relationship with those across the political aisle, Maher’s joke seems to have crossed the line for any discussion on TV at this time. Franked also announced last week that Kathy Griffin will not be appearing with him at an event scheduled for July to promote his book. Griffin faced widespread criticism last week for sharing footage of a photoshoot where she’s holding the bloodied, severed head of Donald Trump.
The Friday episode of Real Time will have appearances from Ice Cube, former congressman David Jolly, and journalist David Gregory. Symone Sanders, activist and former national press secretary for Bernie Sanders, will also be a guest on Friday and has stated her hope to address the incident.
“I am still planning on doing the show Friday,” she said in an email to Huffington Post. “I thought Maher’s comment, Ben Sasse’s reaction and the crowd’s applause were all equally distasteful, inappropriate and offensive. I am glad Maher too recognized as such and issued an apology.”
“I look forward to a dialogue about it and other pressing issues of the week on Friday,” she added. “The n-word is not a joke to be thrown about and it is never OK to make light of slavery and/or the experiences of enslaved people.”
Do you think Senator Franken was right to cancel his booking on Real Time and his appearance with Kathy Griffin? Should more people be showing up to engage in dialogue about what happened?
31 thoughts on “Senator Al Franken Cancels ‘Real Time With Bill Maher” Appearance”
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Ex comidian Al Franken shouldn’t be appearing anywhere. Who cares.
this guy is a tool and a bad actor.
Great, cancelling out one asshole for another asshole ……
Would it still get the same exposure if a black host said the same thing?…, most would find it funny.
He should cancel his job. Al Franken is not a legitimate politician.
Bill Maher lost my support like a year ago. I don’t give a shit what he does. He’s a sellout.
If he’s a comedian? Why not.
People attacking Maher over a joke with ZERO hateful intentions behind it are why we now have this orange clown for a president. Comedians are supposed to be above the law unless there is hate behind their speech. Maher is an ally
Bill Maher is relavant, how?
He should go on. Franken and Maher are both comedians. What Maher said was framed as a joke, not hate. 1st Amendment covers free speech even if it is in poor taste. Franken should go on an scold him.
I still see him as “Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley”….
Why not? They’re both jokes.
A liberal says nigger in a badly told “joke” and people lose their mind…go on the show and call him out on it..nah I’ll cancel
I think he should appear and announce his resignation.
I could care less what U.S. Senator Al Franken does.
Seems like no one wants to hear intelligent people speak
Stuart Smalley? Lol. The guys an idiot.
The guy went to Harvard, wrote for 20 years on SNL. He has written 7 books has a couple more audio cd’s, written a couple movies and is a 3 term senator.
How about you?
Who cares? Anyone offended by his latest controversy is being disingenuous as to it being the first time he’s used such language.
Does anyone take Al Frankenberry seriously?
Ehh i like the senator he one actually care about people on his country but bill ehh fuck that guy
He’s good enough, he’s smart enough and doggonnit, people like him!
Yeah, I don’t care. Won’t be watching either way.
Up to him. Don’t care either way. Can’t imagine why anyone would want to hear him speak though.
All I remember is Stuart saves his family.
Theyre both trash…
I don’t care, I don’t watch Bill Maher
Al Franken is such a schmuck.