D.C. Bar Ditches “Pill Cosby” Drink After Public Outrage

- Funny
- Offensive
Bill Cosby-Themed Drink
May 26th, 2017 – A Washington D.C. pop-up bar has one fewer drink on its menu after their “Pill Cosby” cocktail was widely rejected. At first glance, a tequila and hibiscus cocktail sounds refreshing but float a couple of empty pill capsules and name it after a once-beloved TV dad who will soon stand trial for drugging and sexual assault, and that drink became a lot less appetizing to many people.
“Diet Starts Monday” is the retail/restaurant/bar hybrid, owned and operated by three men, that came up with the Bill Cosby-inspired drink. While speaking to the Washingtonian, co-founder Davin Gentry said the concoction is partially meant to bring awareness to drugging in bars.
“It lets people be a little more aware,” he told the publication alongside his business partners John Geiger and Kevin “Scooty” Hallums.
Following the article’s publishing and Twitter posts of the drink, the owners were quickly made aware of the many problems people had with the drink. The business’ Yelp page was flooded with outrage over what many deemed was normalizing and making light of a very serious matter. They didn’t see the drink as educational but rather a joke, and they weren’t finding it funny.
Seriously.. Someone thought this was a great idea.. A drink called Pill Cosby.. With pills floating in it pic.twitter.com/S2beA8xdCk
— Jacques Michel ?? (@Coach_JoX) May 22, 2017
Hi @dietstartsmon__ your “Pill Cosby” drink perpetuates rape culture. It’s gross.
Rape. Is. Not. Funny.
— Sophie Ellman-Golan (@EgSophie) May 22, 2017
That “Pill Cosby” drink claims to be “raising awareness of date rape” but that’s men claiming it without consulting female survivors so.
— Kayleesi (@KayleesiTweets) May 22, 2017
Currently “Diet Starts Monday’s” Yelp page has earned an “Active Cleanup Alert” highlighting the incident and warning visitors that posting reviews as a result of the news and not due to a personal experience may result in removal.
That hasn’t stopped people from leaving a piece of their minds.
The bar has taken the drink off the menu and issued a formal apology saying:
“This drink was a one-time item — its inclusion as an offering of ours was in poor taste and we’ve taken all necessary steps to ensure it won’t happen again,” they wrote on Twitter. “We take full responsibility and apologize to anyone we offended. The allegations against Mister Cosby are serious and we in no way intended to make light of the pain surrounding his behavior. We rely on our community to help us guide everything we do. We appreciate all the feedback. This was a mistake, it will not be made again. We are sorry.”
While the Diet crew does have some people defending them, the court of public opinion doesn’t seem to be easing up.
There’s a note up for the Pill Cosby people pic.twitter.com/2Zyz8xpWMb
— Kobayashi Mar-u-Lago (@jackoffkyle) May 22, 2017
The Pill Cosby drink doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is people that actually rape people. pic.twitter.com/kNDpSVl8k1
— Cameron Grant (@coolcam101) May 22, 2017
@onedaylight I reflected upon this tweet and realized I was very wrong. We should be angry. Outraged. And the bar should also apologize.
— OneDayLight (@onedaylight) May 22, 2017
What did you think of the Pill Cosby drink? Just a funny cocktail or a serious misstep in judgment? Funny or Offensive? Vote and comment below.
244 thoughts on “D.C. Bar Ditches “Pill Cosby” Drink After Public Outrage”
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Tony Palmer hahahaha wish they’d keep it
Zip zop zippitty
Melker Lindquist
Hot Cosby anyone?
I love it
Kayleigh Voorhees wtf!!!
Rape jokes are only funny if you force it.
Funny.. but yeah, not the best marketing idea for your business.
Peter Bruce Darryl Kay Darren Prouse this is funny!
Ashley Erin Deyo
Funny because Bill Cosby was found innocent after all. those women confessed of making the whole scheme up. You’ll be suprised of how a human could destroy someone’s whole reputation and life up when they run out of money
Wait did i miss a memo? I dont recall all of them saying they made it up in fact he was in court this week for it
Yea last thing I seen 3 of the women were crying because they were getting in trouble admitting they ran out of money and didn’t know what else to do.
Yea last thing I seen 3 of the women were crying because they were getting in trouble admitting they ran out of money and didn’t know what else to do.and of course as usual one calls rape they line up to get their spot at attention and fame
Yea last thing I seen 3 of the women were crying because they were getting in trouble admitting they ran out of money and didn’t know what else to do.and of course as usual one calls rape they line up to get their spot at attention and fame
I don’t care who you are, that’s funny. Too many sensitive people out there.
Maybe bad taste but it is funny. Don’t like it don’t go there
Rape isn’t funny. Rape JOKES are funny.
I’m so sick of sensitive ass whiny bitch’s
They can use a couple of mine…. Really piss people off… 1) the Hot Cosby.. 2) the Kami”Cosby”…
Lance Cole
That’s some great branding, actually. If you have good lawyers, I guess.
Shit I’d get one. That shit would have you floatin.
Tyler Mow
Lani Church
? i see the funny
Shawn Dimery haha
Ahmad Tijani Cherry
Can’t give away the trade secrets
Didn’t even occur to me that this was offensive. I’m warped, I guess.
Hahahaha, a drink that comes already spiked for you! How convenient.
Nigga you look like a fucking pedophile go somewhere with your creep ass.
Is it bad that this isnt the first time I got this reaction? :^/
That’s genius!! Fuck the offended!!
William James Justin
Haha where can I get one of these? I’d love if sensitive silver spoon kids would comment on this and get offended so I can tell them to fuck off or suck my dick
I’m offended can I suck ur dick
Lisa Lmx Marie
A drink called “Pill Cosby”? Why is this not national? Every bar needs one.
Disgusting and distasteful.
Sexy and vicious.
Yrag Nosnikcid
They only people perpetuating “rape culture” are the Ines who swears it exist. Like UFO hunter, big foot, loch ness, or Finland
It’s always the guys “don’t be so weak, enjoy the humor in rape”
You say that as if men don’t get raped also.
Oh they do, that didn’t even come close to what I said.
Twisting my words won’t work here. Move along.
That’s what you were implying. Sorry if my Mansplaining triggers you.
No, I wasn’t dumb ass.
Point proven. Not one girl on here saying it’s funny
Also, Lisa Lmx Marie
That’s hilarious. Don’t be a vag
WhalenOn TheDrums
Now that’s just good family fun right there
That’s funny as shit
I’m no snowflake, but can’t say I’ve ever found rape funny. Ever.
You obviously have never watched Tentacle Hentai… Lol.
Shit is hilarious.
Omg. Dead, Joe. Funny shit.
Ok, I’ll give you the hentai, or ogres on an elf, or aliens on a lone starship captain…
Monster Hentai is hilarious.
Yeah totally. We should excuse this serial rapist because of what unrelated people who died centuries ago did.
How dare they have a Pill Cosby drink and not a Roofie-Colada!!
Rape isn’t funny, but the reactions that people have when the joke is made are hilarious.
Funny. I would order it every time
Danielle Motes
Funny get over it pussies
Fuck I’d drink a Pill Cosby
It’s not funny that he raped women but the pill Cosby drink is funny.. Ppl act like talking about something and God forbid laughing about it is the actual crime. But it’s not..Everybody’s different. I wish we could all grow up and learn to not participate in the things tht bother us but let other ppl decide what and how they deal with their own lives.
Kinda funny. I give it three outa five pudding pops.
Cause you can’t except Bills truth
It is hilarious.
It’s kinda funny.
I found it funny.
It is funny.
There’s far to many sensitive people in the world today!!!
Its pretty funny, actually
Anything is funny in the correct context. Imagine if you will, Porky Pig raping Daffy Duck.
George Carlin
Once everything is “offensive”…..nothing is.
The hot house flowers of the world have effectively made everything open season.
Bill Cosby for the fukken win.
Really?!?! Fuck people. Most people don’t even think about Cosby during their day. We got bills and shit.
It’s probably not funny in DC, hits a little too close to home. I imagine that’s how 90% of Congressmen like Maxine get fucked.
What I find funny about this is the stupid way that the business tried to justify it. “We were trying to raise awareness”. Really? You couldn’t come up with a better excuse than that? Hahahaha!
public outrage .. aka a few liberals trying to tell everyone else what’s good for them
Wait, rape isn’t funny?
Just imagine Bill O’Reilly being raped by the raptors from Jurassic Park.
Pretty fuckin’ funny.
You’re an idiot. I guess repugnant women, like yourself are safe from being raped so you yuk it up. Sad for the actual victims of rape. At least you were topical
I’m a guy, but okay.
Rather make a joke than be serious about everything. Lighten up friendo.
Or are you offended because I picked on O’Reilly? I highly doubt he fucking cares, if I’m honest.
Charles R Hall can’t walk on eggshells for everyone.
Charles is just a walking pussy. mighty sensitive especially to the problems of others. look up black humor and fuck off you cuckolded desert cactus fuck
Oh boy, heeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrre we goooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
Everything is offensive now days bunch of sissies lighten up
It’s not offensive, it’s just not all that funny idk.
It’s not funny, it’s hilarious
It’s distasteful, but not particularly offensive. Worth an eye roll.
I’m not clicking on the link. What’s the drink made out of? As in ingredients?
To soon I guess,that is funny though. Folks need to chill.
Brad Garden
If they aren’t using it, can I?
Dee Nelson
Randy Buesing
the drink is funny rape isnt
Kenny Page lol
Its fucking BRILLIANT
Wally Kanne
The only thing I don’t like is that it kinda makes a joke out of drugging somebody’s drink
There’s no fat on that that was a perfect joke
Anthony Bogan honestly kinda funny
That’s fucking hilarious! I want a pill Cosby
I do too ? people are too easily offended though
That is both funny and offensive. Funny wins.
Fucking liberals.
Rocky Rowlands
Bonnie Sweigart
I like Bill. But this drink is hilarious. Know why? Cause I have a sense of humor.
Thats upsetting i got a good kick out that lol
People are to uptight this is hilarious
I love how worked up people get over this. It was obviously in bad taste. That’s kinda the point of dark humor. I’m personally not offended. And if I owned this bar and an employee came up to me with that idea I would probably laugh, and veto it.
If I felt this was mean spirited I might feel different. I understand the argument against, I just disagree. Jokes are one of the few ways to get people to confront difficult subjects.
The pills are empty get over your problems…. Don’t like it don’t buy it
Evan Quinlivan
That is hilarious
I think it’s damn funny.
Funny! I’ll take 2!
I can see how this be a bad idea to have since once you get a person drunk enough they might stop noticing the pill just that it is there and well yea
Andrew Iles
Funny as fuck and yet clearly offensive!
Andrew Iles right up your street then babes xxxx
Come on…. That’s funny as fuck
It’s fuckn hilarious! Snowflakes need to jump off the flat earth.
Greg, your thoughts? lol
Greg, your thoughts? lol
take a “chill pill” people !
Funny as shit
Kenny Davenport
I agree with Melissa Danielle Corder…this is funny, and I am sad I learned of it from facebook. Telling me it’s now banned. Instead of in a bar, where it would be hilarious.
Mozez Gutierrez
If they weren’t real pills, who gives a fuck. And when will people learn, being offended is subjective!!!!! Just because YOU find it offensive does not mean that it IS offensive. Don’t like it? Don’t order it!
Ha brilliant boring PC fuckers
I like how they’re taking more heat than the actual rapist in the media right now.
Don’t like it, don’t order it…
That’s awesome. Bring it back.
Mike Toomey
Stephen Clancy
Looks like a knockout
I actually thought it was funny.
I am a huge Cosby fan. I also have serious doubts about the validity of the claims against him. And i find this drink hilarious! Lmao
Where there’s smoke there’s fire. You really gotta have shit for brains to believe Cosby’s innocent.
Not shit. Jello puddin’!
Jason Johnson
Hayley Motschenbacher
Laughed way too hard
Cherie Frey
Troy Wintle
Andy lol wut
Wayne Schwartz
Maybe the ones that got offended were the ones that got raped…..I don’t know
Audrey Brody
I can’t stomach Bill Cosby, but I think the name of the drink is hilarious. Of course, this is my opinion and you are entitled to yours 🙂
Josh Crist Justin Crist Jason Crist
Wth … If ppl don’t like it … dont buy it. I’m so sick of oversensitive people.
Oh Jesus, lighten up people. It’s funny!!
Jason Edwards
Travis Shartzer
If those are tylox,I will drink a 6 pack
Nathan Mcdonald
Frank Elston
Found your new signature cocktail ??
,fuck that racist white hating,date raping,non funny,black motherfucker.
What.. I have been looking for a bill Cosby special and they have thsm
Adam Rempel
That’s a shame, it looked splendiferous.
Shelby Pack
I’ll woulda had a pill Cosby lol
Too soon.
I find it funny but I can see why people would get butthurt over it
they renamed it the Cosbychino!!
Robert Murray damn it!
That’s an awesome name!!
What were the pills made out of? Are they an edible candy garnish? Plastic?
I was also wondering that.
I looked into it. They’re empty capsules :-/
People need to chill the F out. I feel like I’m the last man on earth with a sense of humor. The Pill Cosby is a riot, and if you don’t think so, you really are a snowflake.
Alison Melton
That is terrible
Alison Melton that is what I thought you would say.
Do you think it’s funny?
Alison Melton I never insinuated it was.
I wasn’t accusing you, I was asking out of curiosity.
Alison Melton no not really.
Lighten up people. The PC Police are out in force.
Kari Fisher
Pill Cosby
Hey doc can you write me a prescription for a placebo I saw this cool drink on facebook I want to make
Can u order it in a sirige??Now u. can bitch B.I.T.C.H.E.S
No one can take a joke anymore seriously???
I would have bought it cause it’s hilarious
Why not
Abena Williams
It was well deserved
That’s funny
So memes are funny but a drink crosses the line? Sheesh some people are stupid.
What’s in the Marion Barry?
Can be both but I laughed so I go funny
I’m offended that people keep getting rid of things just because other people have no sense of humor. I hate what we’re becoming.
It has nothing to do with people having no sense of humor. When it has to do with a guy sexually molesting girls by drugging them in their drinks, it’s not a humorous thing
Alison Melton , it’s called satire. If you don’t like it, don’t order it, and even a better idea would be not to go to the establishment. Besides, you are assuming it doesn’t happen to men too. The fact is that more men are raped every year than women… I, for one, have no problem with mocking, and ridiculing, Bill Cosby. He brought it upon himself, and will forever be remembered as a Rapey Douche.
1 in 6 women will be raped or have rape attempt. Men it’s 1 in 33 I think women get raped or nearly raped more than men
We all know why and who is mad if someone makes fun of Cosby. About the same with Michael Jackson.
Dark humor is a wonderful tool and helps many people deal with the awful things that happen. Just because you don’t think something is funny doesn’t mean it’s not. If you’re offended by the joke, ok, that’s your right. But quit trying to sensor it. Move along. Don’t try to stop others from enjoying it.
Samantha Panchyshyn you’re not counting the penal system into those figures that you quoted. Also, those numbers were from 1998, not 1998 and forward, study by the CDC, if I remember correctly.
Either way, the statistics weren’t my major point. My point goes back to the issue of the drink the bar made. If you don’t like it, you have a choice not to support the bar by refusing to go to it. Making someone change something because you’re offended by it, isn’t just hypocritical, it goes against individual freedom which is a main pillar of being an American.
Actually the statistic is wrong and Michael is right. They base statistics on who reports. Only 10% of men will report rape or abuse and are ridiculed for it.
I don’t think 17% of american women get raped. That’s like a Donald Trump stat. Unreliable.
I can only speak for people who have not been raped, because I have never been raped. I think rape is one of the most heinous things that can happen, quite often worse than murder, and the fact that it is not only looked over so often, but in some cultures advocated makes me sick to my stomach. That is a pretty heavy weight to carry around, so like many other things, I deal with that extreme with humor..the fact that it is so far out to me is what allows that humor. I can imagine that if someone really had had to deal with it then they wouldn’t be able to separate the humor of the extreme with the reality of the subject. I would absolutely never tell a rape joke to someone who I knew had been raped, that would be super insensitive.
Pu$$y grabbing counts, Cameron. Lol
Is Jarret still making foot long sub’s ?
No, he’s receiving them. . . Although I hear Subway is offering “The Jared Special.” It’s a foot long feast, double the meat extra mayo.
People are too sensitive nowadays. The drink was funny if you don’t like it don’t order it plain and simple.
Lol… there’s my Memorial Day memory loss drink…
Jordan Schauer
Thats fucking hilarious. I hate people that are offended by any and everything.
Billie Victor ????
Funny and Offensive.
When people complain about things the proper response is to ignore them. If that fails an emphatic “I’m not doing anything to appease you until I get a western grip hand job” also works.
That’s just funny!!
Don’t buy one then DeRp?