#HeterosexualPrideDay Straight Up Trending

- Funny
- Offensive
We’re Here, We’re Not Queer!
June 30th 2016 – As Heterosexual Pride Day came to a close yesterday there were no shortage of tweets for you to go through if you needed to catch up on what it is, why it started trending, why the gay community and allies fought it, and what some imagined straight people wore to celebrate it. SPOILER: it wasn’t rainbow suspenders.
The push for the movement may not seem that far-fetched when other push-back crusades, such as All Lives Matter, have garnered attention as historically oppressed minority groups have created their own movements. Online writer Mary Ramirez wrote a piece for The Blaze last fall where she emphasized the thoughtfulness of “All Lives Matter.”
“All Lives Matter (which includes black lives) isn’t thoughtless. It’s not insensitive, naïve, or racist. It’s vital,” she wrote.
There are also many posts from a Tumblr page titled “When Is White History Month?” One user posed the question: Why do African Americans get a whole month? Where’s white history month? Haven’t we earned it? #reverseracism”
The pioneer of trending “HeterosexualPrideDay” was Twitter user @_JackNForTweets. Many news outlets pointed out that a lot of the hype seemed to be produced by trolls and some even wrote satirical pieces around the event. If you scroll through _JackNForTweets’ timeline you’ll find varying motivations for spearheading the day. He calls out the hypocrisy of gay people not supporting it and being upset that they can’t be the only victims, the people using the hashtag for their own self promotion, how media outlets are pushing their own agendas and encouraging viewers to get angry about it, and how most shallow people won’t understand his satire.
And as the day progressed, the main reason why #HeterosexualPrideDay was still trending high was due to people posting about how illogical and absurd it was to think it was needed. From celebrities to activists to possibly your friend from high school who you haven’t spoken to in 12 years, everyone was giving their two cents.
On the straight side, you could find people genuinely celebrating the day with some even sharing the love with the gay community. On the non-specified orientation side, you could find people trying to explaining that the disgust for the hashtag trend would stop if they would, ya know, simply stop tweeting about it.
Whether #HeterosexualPrideDay was trending with sincerity, disgust or debate as its main motivator, Twitter again provided a platform for a lot of opinions. We want to know yours – Funny or Offensive? Vote and Comment now…
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How about ridiculously funny!