Pennsylvania Woman Draws Death Threats After Urinating On American Flag

- Funny
- Offensive
…God Shed His Grace On Pee
July 6th, 2017 – The urine hit the flag and something else hit the fan as a Pennsylvania woman spent the 4th of July relieving herself in a protest video. Emily Lance, a Philadelphia resident, continues to draw criticism over the Facebook video she released which showed her urinating on an American flag using a GoGirl – a device that allows women to pee while standing up.
The video, which has now been deleted as her Facebook account is unsearchable, was captioned with a blunt, direct message from Lance:
“F*** your nationalism. F*** your country. F*** your stupid f****** flag.”
The American flag was partially draped over the toilet with the stripes floating in the bowl. Her act, taking place on our Independence Day, quickly went viral. Much like the flag, Lance became the target of some unsavory deluge.
While many called her out for desperate attention seeking methods others reminded her what the flag symbolizes and how many men and women fought and died for her to be standing there that day.
Others, according to screen grabs of the post, have called for her throat to be slit and have claimed that a bounty for her head has been posted on Craigslist.

Though a current search on Craigslist doesn’t result in a confirmation of that threat, the comments from news stories reveal both pushback (with and without threats) on what she did and some support for her right to do it.
For her part post-pee, Lance fell back on the First Amendment defense saying “Freedom (of speech/expression) means that I’m entitled to do and say as I please, EVEN if you don’t like it, so long as I am not physically hurting someone – and no, your precious feelings don’t count, that’s your own problem,’ she wrote. ‘What don’t you people understand?”
She also added that the flag has been fished out of the toilet and will be sold to the highest bidder.