
In Memory of Rob Ford and the Greatest Press Conference Ever (VIDEO)

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Rob Ford Remembered

March 22, 2016 – Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has died at the age of 46 after losing his battle with cancer. His family released a statement saying: “A dedicated man of the people, Councillor Ford spent his life serving the citizens of Toronto.”

Current Toronto Mayor John Tory said “the city is reeling.”

Rob Ford

The politician made international headlines for many things including his admitting to smoking crack cocaine. Ford was beloved for his gaffs and provided a conveyor belt of fresh material for comedians and late-night talk shows with numerous antics during his tenure as Toronto’s top dog.

In the cornucopia of items Ford offered up to the media, perhaps none stands taller than his famous press conference about eating pussy. Rather not eating pussy. Well, just watch it, courtesy of CBC News:

In honor of Rob Ford’s passing, we ask you to vote on his epic press conference….Funny or Offensive? VOTE and COMMENT now…

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