The Most Eye-Catching Signs From The March For Our Lives

- Funny
- Offensive
“No one should sacrifice a real child so you can be a fake John Wayne”
March 24th, 2018 – The March For Our Lives took place in Washington, D.C. today, and from that main event over 800 additional marches were held in cities all over the country. Following the mass shooting tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida last month, students across the U.S. organized the march to advocate for gun legislation and against politicians beholden to the NRA.
“On March 24, the kids and families of March For Our Lives will take to the streets of Washington, DC to demand that their lives and safety become a priority. The collective voices of the March For Our Lives movement will be heard,” the official website reads. “The mission and focus of March For Our Lives is to demand that a comprehensive and effective bill be immediately brought before Congress to address these gun issues.”
The students encouraged a peaceful rally and scheduled organizers, faith leaders, celebrities, politicians, and fellow students to speak to the crowd once the marching came to a halt. During the march, protestors addressed the crowd with their signs held high.
Even before reaching the streets, you could probably guess that the signs would run the gamut content-wise. Plenty of websites gave sign ideas broken down into categories such as “powerful,” “clever,” and “kid-friendly.”
And they didn’t use this exact phrase but there were a lot of “dick joke,” ideas, too. Take a look at some of the most eye-catching signs from the March For Our Lives events across the country.
This sign deserves a pulitzer #marchforourlives (? @claremarienyc)
— Liz Plank (@feministabulous) March 24, 2018
I love LA. #MarchForOurLives
— Emily Black Favreau (@ebfavs) March 24, 2018
This sign is everything #marchforourlives #matchforourliveslosangeles
— Marine Zograbyan (@TAINTEDLUVV) March 25, 2018
No one should have to fear for their life at school. Enough is enough. #MarchForOurLives
— Luke Evans (@TheRealLukevans) March 24, 2018
Another SpongeBob-inspired sign. #MarchForOurLives
— Madison Malone Kircher (@4evrmalone) March 24, 2018
— Ty Burr (@tyburr) March 24, 2018
Cool kid.
— Jon Lovett (@jonlovett) March 24, 2018
Enough said. #VetsVsTheNRA #MarchForOurLives
— Jon Soltz (@jonsoltz) March 24, 2018