WWE Legend Fights Back After ‘Sex With Daughter’ Post

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WWE Star Super Slams Daughter?
September 29th, 2017 – Former wrestling star and half of the popular tag team, “The Rockers,” Marty Jannetty is looking to tap out after an embarrassing Facebook related episode. In a since deleted post, the 90s-era star appeared to ask his fans to weigh in on whether or not he should sleep with the twenty something woman he’d recently found out was not his biological daughter – as he’d previously thought. Jannetty’s profile posted a photo of his formerly estranged daughter along with the following text:
“Just did a DNA [test], she’s NOT my daughter, we both held out of sex because you don’t do that… but now we ain’t?”
The post commented on the girl’s appearance then elicited thoughts about a possibly intimate relationship with the woman he treated like family saying:
“If you loves me as much as I loves you, you will give your opinion.”
Soon after, the former Intercontinental Champion quickly explained that he’d lost his phone and that he was not the person responsible for the posts. He claims, to his fans via Facebook, that the incestuous messages were sent by some unknown phone thief.
“Several major newspapers in major cities in America (and countries, Canada, Australia & the UK, so far) have recently written articles on me about my daughter, suggesting we wanted to have sex together… ITS FAKE NEWS!! My site was hacked or it came from a fake account, which I’m constantly having Facebook remove them.”
The famously hard-partying wrestling celebrity began to tone down his wild social media ways shortly after discovering he had a daughter in 2014.
“To all the boys who have told me how its life changing when you have a kid…man… had no kids so I didn’t get it…now I do…that’s my girl,” he previously posted.
Jannetty also defended his biracial daughter from racist taunts appearing in online wrestling forums. As for the proud father, he says he’s looking into his legal options regarding the initial publication of the story. Sean Michaels’ one-time partner was disheartened by the entire ordeal but expressed his thanks for the support of his loyalest fans.
“My biggest disappointment is no one (that saw it) caught on that it was obviously fake and at least ASKED me about it rather than take it as true,’ he added, ‘EXCEPT, for a few on my fan page.”
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