Johnny Depp Jokes About Assassinating President Trump

- Funny
- Offensive
Sneer and Loathing
June 22, 2017 – Johnny Depp made noise by asking the audience at a U.K. film festival “how long it had been since an actor assassinated a president?” According to The Guardian, The Pirates of the Caribbean star was introducing a film at the Cinemageddon film festival in Glastonbury when he referenced the Abraham Lincoln assassination (by well-known actor of the day, John Wilkes Booth, in 1865). Depp continued:
“I want to qualify, I am not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it has been a while and maybe it is time.”
The controversial quip was followed with:
“It is just a question – I’m not insinuating anything. By the way, this is going to be in the press. It will be horrible. I like that you are all a part of it.”
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391 thoughts on “Johnny Depp Jokes About Assassinating President Trump”
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If anyone finds anything offensive on the internet then perhaps they should stay the fuck off it. I’m so sick of listening to overly sensitive losers who have nothing better to do then be offended by someone’s words. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me, was the motto for 90’s kids. Now it’s like everyone is offended by the color of someone’s ball hair. Here’s a tip, it’s a joke not a dick so you don’t have to take it so hard. Fucking cry babies
It’s a joke. Get the fuck over it
The new pirates movie bombed that hard huh? Gotta jump on the fuck Trump bandwagon to feel loved again? Lol
You’re smart enough, kind enough, and gosh darn it… people like you!
I’d help depp assassinate the cunt
Johnny Depp wants to kill Trump? No wonder his wife split, he’s flipped it.
He didn’t say he wanted to qualify he said clarify and he was referencing an historical event.
It was funny people are too ready to get on the mob side of humanity.
Jasmine Kaylene Harwell
Definitely funny lol. The fact that it references back to lincoln is kinda raw though…Lincoln did a lot of good things that got him assassinated.
Oh damn I just read it. All I saw was the title.
Trust me alot of people want to but i don’t wanna go to jail for the rest of my life or worse.
34%, isn’t that like the presidents approval rating? He’s been president for under a year and already being investigated for treason. Depp would be a hero
Wats offensive is that he didn’t act upon his words.
I think anyone who says that shit is wrong. But who cares? I am Lorde, yah-yah-yah.
#FunnyAf #LBVS
Can we vote that we really don’t care?
I would not joke about assassinating anyone. People will actually take you seriously.
Can you simply add me, if you don’t mind
Piss on that poser/Keith Richards wannabe! Piss all over him then partially skin his body and soak him in a mixture of lemon juice, salt & vaginal secretions.
Liberal douche
Funny af
He should be thankful he lives in a country where he can say things like that.
If anyone of you care to listen to your (History) you will know what he was saying..
The World’s Of John Wilkes Booth…..
People today are stupid!!!
Good job to our government programs to f-up history books & making people today in schools even more stupid !!!! Smh
The dumbing down of America seems to be in full force, and ready to crash and burn……..sickening!
Bingo!! ⬆
I love your cover photo, holy crap!! One of my favorite scenes, along with this one…….it’s him in the flesh, he’s grown young.
Sexy & so yummy at the time. Love the movie! What a amazing actor,
Was heartbreaking when himself didn’t want her to be in the same pain as he. Her words.. I don’t care! Take me away from all this dead. So romantic ???
Oh Wow.. just seen your cover page too. One day I will be there with no shoes on my feet.. ???
Yea, that would be awesome.
One of my favorite movies, stories, and actors ever. Love Dracula/Gary Oldman.
Who cares what he said everyone knows he isn’t gonna do it move on!
Well actually freedom of speech doesn’t qualify with threats to the president lol but I still think it’s funny.
Ted Nugent got away with it, so I guess Depp will too! Meanwhile, in Congress ??
What a faggot
Good response, you’re smart.
Your reply explains it’s self as you support burnie.
Holy fuck here we go another one of these twatwaffling cuntmuffins… Just fucking give it a rest, ok?
“It’s self” “burnie”
So much intelligence.
Austin Hammel just sit there and look cute. Maybe stop saying things.
You should have been aborted both of you
And Johnny Depp said “I want to clarify” not “I want to qualify”
Common you shit bags at Is It Funny Or Offensive?
I love Johnny Depp with my whole life. But sometimes actors get to a certain point in life where they think they are untouchable so they make mistakes like this. I’m still your fan Johnny til I die
John Wilkes Booth, am I right??
Uhhhh does freedom of speech ring a bell?!?
I think the whole world wants him assassinated
It’s offensive at how much of a pussy he is
Taylor Staib
Who cares he’s an actor he said it himself he lies for a living, he entertains people. I think there are bigger issues in the world to concern with. Remember we do have freedom of speech.
Arrest this prick already! Regardless of your party I say if you threaten the head of our nation you should be arrested and jailed until your mental disorders are accounted for!
Here we go again, another hollywood elitist threating the president of the United States. And they free to do so. Why are these Hollywood elitist like Madonna who thought about blowing up the white house, or Jim Carrey who wants to hit Trump with a golf club, or Snoop Dogg who wants to shoot Trump in the head. or Kathy Griffin who wanted to behead Trump. Now it’s Johnny Depp. What did Trump ever do to the millionairess out in Hollywood? And I don’t see why you care. You are rich and famous, you don’t have to worry about feeding your family or buying used cars to get to a 9 to 5 job. It’s pretty pathetic the you have everything and yet you have to use your fame to cause hate and violence. Millions and millions look up to these movie stars or pro sport stars, and yet it’s not enough. It’s ok for the not only the rich, but the super rich to make such threats. But in the end they won’t do a damn thing. It’ll be someone’s father or mother or sister or brother, that does it. Some poor soul will listen or see these Hollywood elitist and think it’s a good ideal to try an assassination and when they are caught or killed, what do the Hollywood elitist care. They don’t! They get to go on living while a family mourns a lost member. Of course as always this just my opinion and I could be wrong.
It’s not like he is literally going to act on it! Geesh, just tired of Trumps evil ways I’m sure, smh!
The soul of our nation is at stake here.. Russia – lies – rigged election process – more lies – scams, bogus deals, totally ignorant decisions – and on and on – and it’s just the beginning..
A party of hate and ignorance..
If people think this is going to ruin his career then I laugh at you. He along with every other American should be able to express themselfves whether it be in a comical formation or straight up blunt. There are plenty of people in this world who feel the same way and will back a legend before backing a daddies rich boy
Last time an actor was shot for flapping his hole
And he’s dead to me…
I’m sure he’s not the only one Who thought that! Lol
Depp is a joke.
Funny, period.
Oh Johnny I am not a Trump supporters and I believe he has went downhill in these jokes
Kathy Griffin and Ted Nugent for example
Watched Transendence last night. Awesome movie. Can’t believe it only got 20% on rotten tomatoes. Sooo good.
I mean c’mon he had to pay off a 12 year old girl bc him.amd his friends raped her…. who wouldn’t shoot the fat retard?
Never ok
I like Depp. I have seen and enjoyed most of his movies. But, like any celebrity, he is so far removed from the real world that anything he says beyond his thoughts on film or music are of zero consequence. If it makes you feel any better, when he goes into the recording studio or on a concert stage, he’s taking orders from his conservative boss, Alice Cooper.
He should stick to just talking about what a sorry President we have and what a joke Trump is around the world.
He’s so attention starved
He should put on more bracelets, rings , necklaces and pretentious glasses!!
On set he and his cronies all walk around dressed like pirates , so dumb.
Johnny Depp for president. He’s got my vote.
It’s not funny no matter who the president is… black or white.. FUBAR.
The political climate in this country is so god damn fucked up. Who’s fault is it? Dumbass republicans and dipshit democrats. Fuck y’all.
The majority of you conservatives and liberals are a bunch of fucking babies.
Arrest his ass!!!!
None of them got the balls to do it. That’s the bottom line!
Ted was wrong to do it then and John is now too.
So he going to prison now right right?
Funny …and hot. Yummy Johnny.
Freedom of speech
Attention whores….that’s all
That’s just stupid. Fuck him, and anyone else who threatens to assassinate a president. It’s a crime, and he should be punished. If I threaten to kill my neighbor I will go to jail. So why do celebrities get special treatment? Because they’re rich? Fucking bullshit.
I’ve been hoping someone would shoot his ass for 2 years already, he just had the balls to say it.
What’s that guy’s name whom also did this to president obama?
Our loving Depp
Not a good idea to say some extreme shit like that especially when you’ve been accused of constantly whooping your bitches ass and look like a dude who would constantly verbally and physically abuse a woman.
How dare he. I’ll never see another one of his movies. A rich, coddled American celebrity promotes political violence against a sitting US President in front of a foreign audience?!! He should lose his US citizenship and not be allowed back. Traitor.
Stfu you moron.
Randi Renfro typical liberal response. Keep losing.
Randi you are right 100%
D Alan Fisher you all must like losing. ?????
I think he’s just a dumbass.
Hah! Faith Rees
The crap that’s going on now is the same crap that’s going on for decades. The only difference now is there are do many media outlets and social networking throwing so much st people. I look back on my life and I realize that anything that is going on in the government impacted me very little.The things that were impacting more were the decisions I was making. I’m not going to waste my time anymore on crap like this. I am going to live my life and take care of those I can take care of.
Well I love him n thats all that matters .
That’s disgraceful! As an Aussie it doesn’t paint America in a good light . I can understand people don’t like Trump but your country isn’t going to go forward with comments like that … The ship has sunk Captain Sparrow
Johnny Depp is slipping more and more huh lol motherfuckers almost bankrupt but still won’t get rid of his jet…. smart stuff man
Ahh leave ‘me alone…
We just lived through 8 yrs of Obama assassination jokes I think we can handle a Depp joke.
Ok get outta here women hitter
Didn’t the President say he could shoot someone and no one would care?? Good for the goose is good for the gander…..
Next headline will be ” Johnny depp found dead of accidental OD”
No, he didn’t threaten Hillary.
So stupid…throw him in jail…terrorist threat.
Dumb as a brick … but at least it looks like he is doing less heroin … still has the shades though.
It just damages the credibility of the left. The left are looking like violence nutjobs like the right.
This is the same guy complaining his own financial people made him broke whilst buying 15,000 cotton balls a day for the sake of it on top of domestic violence allegations and now wants to assassinate the president… What a flog
Same guy who also doesn’t have a permanent residence in the US.
This person is supposed to set an example for the younger generation! Such a shame that such a good actor turned out to be a let down in reality. Madonna did it as well…..i have lost all respect for these people. I used to think they were strong intellegent people but now i guess they are only there for entertainment…..we tend to place these people on pedestals and forget that we dont actually know them personally….what a downer!
Such a shame that he stopped getting arrested and kicked his drug addiction you’re right he went downhill smh dumbass it’s the parents jobs to set a good example for their children it’s Johnny Depps job to act in movies and keep up public appearances
drumpf is offensive. Depp is just talkin’.
Washed up
I love Johnny Depp.
You mean like all the shit that was said about obama? No one has burned drumpf in effigy yet so get over yourselves!
Irrelevant douchebag!
Exactly so why are you butt-hurt? ???
Who said anything about but hurt. I just hate Johnny Depp.
Fair enough
Sammy O’donnell coz its him ima let it slide lol
I mean, I don’t approve of it persay. But the following tweet is legendary.
senility striking many in Hollywood these days
Or maybe ur an actor who’s rich which made u start thinking ur thoughts matter.
His looks are gone, he needs to do something spectacular to redeem his sex appeal…..Taking out Trumplestilskin, preferably in a gruesome Game of Thrones, Red Wedding Style way….. Definitely next year’s Sexist Man Alive….
He would be my hero. My God even. Not that I want Trump dead, I just want him to go away.
Johnny Depo should probably see about offing himself maybe.
Just gonna leave this here too….
Not all heroes wear capes. Some pretend to be pirates.
Trump can’t do Shi to Depp he has more fans.
I think he may just be on to something.
Aaaaand who cares. There ya go that should end this stupid conversation!
Who gives a shit. We need Marvin The Martian to blow the whole fuckin place up.
” Where’s the KABOOM?”
There’s supposed to be an earth shattering KABOOM
He should never of become president is that funny or offensive
This site is true to its name.
Why should he apologize? 45 and the rest of the right wing nuts, never do. Turnabout is fair play!
He’s going to play the role of John Wilkes Booth. Troll of the year!
I like reading the comments of all the trump-suckers. Shits fucking hilarious
Not funny.
Yep. Stupid liberals
Some people are so sensitive. This reminds me of the days when people were saying if you listened to music backwards you could hear words being spoken that were subliminally forcing people to do evil things. It also reminds me of the times they tried to say all the violence on video games was going to make people go mad and start shooting the place up. It also reminds me of people saying that violence in movies makes kids violent. A person making a comment like that does not influence anyone. Were you tempted to pick up a gun and shoot the president? No? Thought not! And anyone who thought about it after it was said was already thinking about it to begin with. When Trump implied that the second amendment people “take care of” Clinton, no one thought anything about that and even elected the man. Stop being so fucking partisan. If it had been about Obama, the right would have been laughing their asses off. Just stop being hypocrites. Now if you genuinely feel it’s wrong for all sides, this DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU!
When bullies talked about beating kids till they were six feet under (and some bullies have taken it exactly that far, or pushed so hard that people killed themselves rather than keep going through it) and people stand up for them saying they’re just kids .. kids will be kids kind of thing and say that back in our day we took care of shit and that people need to toughen up and not be such pussies. Well, it’s happening and NOW people want to say that saying you’re going to do something or someone should do something is actually going to cause it to happen … a little too little too late.
By the way, Nugent discussed shooting Harry Reid during the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in 2015. In January 2016, he called for both Obama and Clinton to “be tried for treason & hung.” Not to mention some people that held rallies when Obama was inaugurated that created Obama effigies, hung them and then set them on fire. People in Trump’s rallies suggesting that the black man they were beating on should be set on fire. I’m not saying two wrongs make it right, only saying that the people who think this is wrong, for the most part, laughed when it was said and done about others. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy.
Seems to me that too many people have become too sensitive and too brainwashed since they feel someone making a comment can actually lead to the action. News Flash, Trump, during the campaign already had someone come up on stage with a gun and might have intended on using it. We’ll never know till after he’s out of office. That was before this was said and I can guarantee there are probably many people wanting to do it but won’t. I wish I had a dollar for every time I read, heard, or saw someone say that Obama needed to be killed in some way, shape, or form. I’ve heard the same of all Muslims, and I’ve heard the same about Clinton, as well as calling for all liberals to be killed. It happens on both sides … just get sick of hearing how bad one side is when the other side isn’t any better.
Lmao like the movie Josie and the Pussycats
Jordyn Paige Mueller damn good movie 😉 I haven’t watched in it eons so I’ll have to watch it again lol
Well Said!!
Jesus, people who are arguing the both sides of this story are equally dumb.
Funny. He said he lies for a living so you know this is a lie as well.
Let Trump do his damn job. He is a better choice than Killary
Thank you fellow N7. Carry on.
I’m so glad I’m not a liberal
Too bad it was a joke I was kinda getting excited 🙁
Fuck any motherfucker that threatens to assassinate a president. Joke or not, fucking wrong. No matter who is in office.
I love Johnny Depp…
Jail much?
Good night Angela Gucker
Paris Moussa you are so butt hurt, you’re literally commenting on every reply on this thread. You need to grow up man seriously.
Nicholas Pasquale Its fun engaging half-witted Americans. What can I say ?
Nicholas Pasquale
I like him even more now!
Sic semper tyrannis? – John Wilkes Booth
you are not a role model for kids. You should be ashamed
Talking to Trump?
no. Johnny depp. How do you talk about killing your president? I didn’t like Obama, but talking assassination is too far.
Trump talked about ‘2nd amendment people’ killing Hillary. And you still voted for him. GTFO
Youre a fucking moron. Go kill yourself you terrorist
Brian ONeill ????
Not cool
Lol look at y’all all getting bent out of shape over what words I support trump in most of what he’s doing some things I’m like yeah I don’t agree but overall he’s doing ok better then Obama but even I can find the funny in this they r celebrities anyone who is going to get them the most attention or who is “hot” ATM are fair game I’m a Johnny fan no matter what he said
In no way is he better then Obama how long r y’all gonna lie to ur self’s the world is laughing at us because of your inability to see him for the POS he is
Yeah, he’s a POS. But Obama was a much bigger POS. There’s actual evidence to back it up. Look how much farther into the red he pushed our debt. Look at the racial tension he left behind. Look at the thousands of dead brown bodies he left in his wake. Best part? They gave him a fucking peace prize. While he was constantly bombing innocents and insurgents alike.
So u say look no matter what half are gonna bitch and cry trump won some are gonna love that he won no matter who is in office ppl are gonna bitch this world is full of pussy ass ppl and I don’t care I was so happy to see that Muslim lover out of office and when killary lost was a happy day for me now maybe just fucking maybe we can work on America again
Angela Gucker Grammar will help you…
Naw I don’t give two fucks about that…. But I assume u think ur perfect huh? What a joke lmmfao
Angela Gucker Why bother trying to battle people on your keyboard if you struggle with your native tongue? You’re just exposing yourself as another uneducated Trumpet!
Haha that’s the best u got move on ur a joke…..
Hahaha to funny what exactly are you doing lmmfao hypocrite….. Better grammar police….. Lmmfao for fucking real
Keep going … ????
Paris Moussa just one long sentence will do it seems ?
It became an insinuation the moment he said “However, it has been a while and maybe it’s time”…Nice try Captain Jack Swallows.
He’s got a point…
Paris Moussa , who, Johnny Deep Throat? Look at the balls on you fuckers, openly advocating force presidential assassination. Watch your back sir…
Ted Nugent? Did you denounce him or agree with him?
Paris Moussa you’ll have to bait more specifically…
Did you denounce him or agree with him?
Paris Moussa you’re an amateur. Link me the quote that sting you in your private place, I’ll decide the truthfulness of your effort, and I’ll reply accordingly. You need more than the typical Libtard tactic on me. When did you stop beating your wife…?
Did you denounce him or agree with him?
Double standards buddy. Double standards. You dish it, you take it snowflake
Paris Moussa I responded to your gay lover’s quote. You leveled a baseless question to me…you refuse to quote the offensive remark. You’re a weak little man with a weak little argument. I gave you an opportunity to name Ted’s comment…you failed. Short of beating you up, I can think of no further use for you, fuck off Euro-trash.
You know exactly what I’m referring to. Stop playing dumb. Google is your friend
Coming from white trash? ???
Your just a tiny European twat…you know, you really should adjust your profile privacy settings…sleep tight.
Paris Moussa you’re still too lazy to own your accusation…what a pussy you are. Good luck with growing a set…
I’m not European and I’m not tiny. And it’s you’re* ???
I’d beat your ass inside three fun minutes bitchmale…I’ll block you shortly and be done with your pussy ass…
Nothing this man could do or say would offend me…
My opinion!!!
I’d vote for him
Lets kill Johnny Depp!
Doesn’t he live in France? So…why should he give a fuck? I hate Hollywood !!!!
A guess hunter rubbed off on him.
Justin Giguere
He’s an over paid wierdo. Why would anybody care what he says?
You cared enough to comment…
He could barely utter a sentence. This is your role model left? Our President doesn’t drink or do drugs, so he grabs a little pussy, so do all of your heros!
LOL Your country is a pile of shit! ????
Jay Faknam ??????????????, you must of put a lot of thought into that?
Wait you’re justifying him grabbing pussy what is wrong with you tbh? Trump did hint to his supporters for someone to shoot Hillary Clinton during the race. Great president? My ass. I thought he would be okay and better than Hillary . But man I was wrong. Can’t defend him anymore. I wanted Bernie from the start also
Caleb Darby Casting couch?
Caleb Darby he said that women LET him grab their pussy. Not that he assaulted them. Any straight, adult male who has ever had sex can say that they have grabbed one or more. I am a straight female and I have definitely grabbed male genitals. Part of having sex. How does that make him a bad person?
Joy Dentmon Worley Tell the whole story here ma’am. He said he would go to parties and grab married women by their pussy. He also stated that they couldn’t stop him because he was rich and famous. So with that statement. Yes that does make him a bad person since he’s more than likely done this while he was married to his other wife
Trump can barely speak english? You need to work on your insults…
Wow you can post a giph. So edgy
Paris Moussa , I have one he is our President just like Obama was he should be treated with some respect ??
So your defense is ” yes our president is a rapist but Johnny Depp is a murderer?”
Didn’t work …i prefer murderers than rapists…
Bryan Atkinson Your gif isn’t working…
I just went and read the transcripts again and he said because he was rich they LET him grab them. That he could do anything because he is rich. And while that is not polite… Neither were they. And yes, the fact that he was married and doing this was wrong but everyone makes like he was assaulting these women. If they LET him, that means they consented.
Joy Dentmon Worley So presidential though isn’t it…
Paris Moussa He wasn’t a President then. At least he didn’t destroy classified information?
Paris Moussa Thats funny??
Joy Dentmon Worley Tip of my hat ?
No. Its not presidential and its rude and he was an ass. But my point is that everyone says oh he assaulted those women. They twist it when in all actuality the women gave their consent.
And Bryan Atkinson is correct. He was not President at that time. We could go back and give plenty of examples of presidential things that most, if not all Presidents have done or said before their election.
Joy Dentmon Worley is he perfect? No. Does he love this country? Yes. Better then a Politician any day??
You and your wife are the appitomy of white trash! You belong on the Jerry Springer show lol
Who and their wife?
And the word is epitome.
Respect is earned, not inherited. Fuck your piece of shit president. You may normalize pathalogical lying, fraudulent business practicing, assaulting women etc as your president, but he will not be normalized by thinking people.
He doesnt love his country you idiot. He loves attention and money. And if you arent a millionaire by the time you die, he thinks you’re a waste of time and space. His words. Gullible moron.
He never claims to be a role model.
Tony Salvatore if you live in America, news flash he’s you President too?
Joshua Yates Yes Trump is you daddy??
Joy Dentmon Worley I think he was referring to me???
Joshua Yates you Dems are vile?
Joy Dentmon Worley, you want your president running around bragging that he can grab pussies because he’s a star? Wow!!
Paula Aschenbrenner He was wrong, he apologized. President Clinton placed a cigar in a pussy in the Oval Office while he was president, but that’s none of my business?
Bryan Atkinson and don’t forget all those rape and sexual assault allegations and Hilary threatened those poor women!!!
Paula Aschenbrenner I never said I wanted that. I said he never forces himself on anyone. That was my sole point.
You mean the President sexually assaults women. Not a hero. Sad.
Bryan Atkinson “must have” not “of” and no there is like zero thought needed at all to make that observation ?
Bryan Atkinson respect is earned
He never said he was given consent before touching women. He said he just kisses them without asking. That doesn’t give the woman a chance to say no or give consent. Trump is an idiot!
I read the transcripts and he said they let him… That means consent.
So you admit he’s a predator! ????that’s so sad
You’re just sour grapes because no ones grabbing yours, Bryan Atkinson.
So okay how about you let him grab your daughters by the pussy?
Thats cool, right?
Fuckin twatwaffle
Says the broke bastard crying for his last 2 minutes of fame
Oh you must be saying this from your piles of millions of dollars lol
Dude ur a shitty troll u need to up ur game…. But then again u can’t expect much from a fake person hiding behind a fake name using fake pics lol u go keyboard warrior
Angela Gucker Coming from you? ???
Aunt Flo bein a real bitch this month?
Or was grandma just not as tight as she used to be?
What’re you one of those caked on face-painted, black nailed, “Jesus is my saviour”, rightfighting bitches?
Or you just mad cause you cant find a man who doesnt like Super Mario more than you?
Go back behind the counter and pack my fuckin bag
– talking about havin a lame troll game by being a lame fuckin troll-
Its ok you can get back to the bean flickin now no one in here needs or wants your fuckin arby’s roast beef sandwich
He has practice with violence just ask his wife.
What wife
Lol!!! Trump people get so butt hurt over anyone insulting their Cheetos-looking moron…
so true!
No that title goes to Obama voters!! It was a nice try though!
Haha the way the Obama voters cried and got all bent out of shape that shit was funny affr
Angela Gucker You were crying like a little fairy for 8 years. What’s your point?
Haha twit I didn’t go around bitching and crying like u (oh sorry grammar police is on the case again) I mean you I dealt with it lived my life and waited for the day he’d be gone… So while you act like you have a fucking clue about me or what I did or didn’t do you in all actuality know nothing so moving on
So you expect us to believe that?? ???
Yeah go ahead Johnny Depp be stupid .remember Australia doesn’t like you either! ! Lmao
Oh stop already. Geez!
I think it’s ridiculous. Famous people can get away with joking about assassination, but if it’s a normal everyday civilian they’ll get arrested for domestic terrorism threats
Lmao Kathy Griffin just didn’t have enough fame
LOL Your country is a pile of shit! ????
Cry us a river bud…
I heard it all the time about Obama … how he should be shot, how he should be hung, how he should be drawn and quartered. I heard how he should be hung and set on fire. I heard how all liberals should be rounded up and put on an island and nuked off the face of the earth with their gay friends and every Muslim. These were all normal people and NOT ONE of them were ever arrested for having said anything. I know a lot of people who have always said shit about the President, all the way back to Reagan and they never acted on it, but did say they wish they could kill them or blow them up and any number of other creative methods. None of them were arrested. Hell, I’ve seen politicians commit actual acts of violence against normal people and get away with it. I’ve seen politicians and candidates calling for people to be shot or killed. Why not famous actors then? Everyone else can do it!
I’ve said it on FB before. I am still here.
I think funny, cuz, apparently it’s funny to take healthcare away from people. But, just as funny that a rich guy more popular than potus said it. And the image is interesting, who would the country really root for to pull through?? Not that it would really happen.
What? You’ve got taint poisoning from years of kissing Obama’s ass…FOO?
Think what you like….I was a Republican until their choice was Trump. The man does not play well with others. As for funny or offensive. Depp’s off-joke totally funny, when you consider the popularity poll at the end….
Do u know that Obama care gave the insurance companies control over our health care. Because of his plan, u can be denied proper care if the insurances say u do not fit into their bracket of illness. My father was denied an oxygen machine, or concentrator because medicare and blue cross blue shield said his symptoms didn’t meet their criteria, regardless that he has multiple scripts from different Dr.’s. And when I was able to get him 1 no one would service it, because the insurance companies said he isn’t suppose to have it. Even when he offered to pay for the service of it, he was denied. He passed before Trump ever took office. That was all on Oboma! Our healthcare system is fucked. It is garbage. We need to take it away from the big insurance companies and tell them if that if tje Doctor says I need this, then fuck u pay the man for my treatment.
Trump is just trying to make it easier for us middle class folks that actually habe to pay for our insurance, I don’t use it much, but my company pays 2k a month for just 1 person. Imagine if I had to pay for that myself, I go to the doctor 2x a year. Luckily my company pays most of my insurance, I only pay $200 a month. A lot of middle class folks are not that lucky due to Obamacare. So shut ur face because I want a healthcare system that works for my needs not pay for everyone elses
I already receive medicare and medicaid. And those jokers just stole my life… I have had DVT and have almost died and have lost 2 1/2 toes. There is nothing funny about the 23 million others like me or the doctors, nurses and other necessary staff in medical care losing out. So, back to the JOKE, people are going need laughter a lot. As for Presidential Assassinations the year 2020 is coming up, and I’d hate the curse to rear it’s ugly head.
So you think promoting violence is funny? You think that a public figure that has a huge influence on our younger generation is funny when he makes public statements like these? Lady, be happy you have the President you have, be happy you live in the country you do cause you would not make it 1 day in mine…..
Angelique Viviers Don’t tell us what to do muppet
Tell us a little what to do.
You can always trust a guy who lies for a living.
Just like racism wasn’t created by Trump, it was just reignited
Dawn Kinkade And things were so much better under Obama?
The election of President Obama did not reveal the rights hate, we already knew it was there. it exposed the rights hate
Dawn Kinkade Really? What about the over 4000 people killed in Chicago under Obama? What about Benghazi? What about the fact that my healthcare costs so much more now that I can barely afford to take my kids to the doctor even though I pay over 600 dollars a month for healthcare?
Wow Obama was an idiot Muslim lover
Didn’t realise republicans were so sensitive… ???
Dawn Kinkade You obviously don’t know anything about history, you do know the democrats started the kkk right?
Nicholas Pasquale When the democrats were a right wing party, a looong fucking time ago. Stop spreading this rubbish. Its right wing propaganda
Nicholas Pasquale Tell me bud which party do the KKK endorse these days? I’m sure they were massive fans of Obama…
BAHAHA the steady stream of emotionally incontinent libtards destroying their own careers because they can’t take an election continues. Wahhh wahhhh anti-trump babies! HAHAHAHAH
This won’t destroy his career. Not an iota
You were crying like a bitch for 8 years you hypocrite
Prove it little snowflake. I got over Obama’s victory the same night. Because conservativism is for adults not little babies. Hahahah. Truuuumppp
Sure you did…
Obviously Paris is still upset about it after 7 months. James T. Blair pay no attention to the haters, that’s all they want is attention.
It’s hilarious. These anti-trump kiddies are so infantile it’s pathetic. I don’t think in the entire history of man that the world has seen anything more pathetic. ?? I don’t think they’ll make it to 2020.
Nicholas Pasquale
You automatically disqualify any point you may be trying to make, the moment you use the word “libtard”. It screams “I’m an idiot and I love making everyone around me aware of it”.
Trust me, we get it. ?
Clap clap clap. Nice speech libtard. Go cry in a corner.
James T. Blair Wow dude your jabs are so original ??
Paris Moussa thanks 😉
What a dumbass.. hope he likes having the SS up his ass
Neither funny nor offensive. He’s a douche bag so nothing he says has any relevance.
Ok so why are you commenting?
Paris Moussa The page asks if it is FOO. I find it neither and said why.
Isn’t he a broke ass drunk these days?
Pretty sure you’re totally incorrect
Dawn Kinkade google Johnny Depp Broke.
It’s been reported on for like 6 months, he’s suing his business management team. Selling his things. And he’s a known Wino.
Yea it was on our local radio show how he’s filed bankruptcy and being sued by his ex wife or something.
Laycie Metzger And?
As if I didn’t already love johnny depp enough!!! Now more than ever
Ted nugent did the same with Obama and got invited to the white house
It’s funny and practical because if anyone deserved a bullet it’s the orange buffoon
No that would be the Muslim lover Obama
Lol, sure.
Show us on the doll where Trump touched you inappropriately.
Dolly Bilyall You first
Climb back into the bottle you hack.
Johnny Depp is the coolest person alive!!
love it, only wish #GoldenShower45th would get nut cancer & suffer first!
There’s stupid on all sides, but honestly, if there was ever a country called Dumbfuckistan, Hollywood would be its Capital City, and a lot of the headliners would be its aristocracy.
Comments like this one are why people come to thee for an entertaining portrayal of someone baked out of their mind, not for insightful political advice
Exactly. So lets make one president.
Ha ha ha …. and you have a “Hollywood” actor’s picture as your banner. You criticize Hollywood and yet support it. What does that make you? You are the reason they have a voice, which, by the way, is no different than voicing your opinions. Yes, they get air time, but why is that? Because you support them. If you don’t like Hollywood, stop watching TV and movies … stop supporting them by posting their pictures on your profile. Stop being a hypocrite! Besides, they have just as much right to voice their opinions … hell, they pay more in taxes than most of us make per year. I know if I was paying a few hundred thousand per year in taxes, I’d go fucking nuts too when someone gets into office I didn’t like and I’ll be damned if I wouldn’t use the tools I had at my discretion. Look at you … you are using the tools you have at hand to be heard, yet you criticize those others who do it. It’s just sheer hypocrisy.
It’s funny because trump’s little snowflakes get all booty bothered whenever you joke about the crybaby in chief.
As liberals did when people said offensive things about Obama. Blah. Circles. Preschool mentality, “they did it so we should do it too”.
Thanks for proving my point sheena
Your point? My point is that everyone’s a hypocrite. No one side about it.
Sent to rule them all
Angela Gucker
I bet he won’t be fired from his current acting gig like other (female) celebrities who have said or insinuated the same thing
Well, it sounds like he was baiting for backlash so I’m going with who gives a shit
He is awesome!!
When was the last time someone assassinated a stupid, narcissistic actor?
1960s I think.
Using way too many buzzwords.
Calm down snowflake
Grrr its an internet better get fucking mad grrr! You tell em!!!
Feeling hurt?
Just recognizing stupidity for what it is.
They tried with Reagan.
Its time
Because people get butthurt over anything anymore
Thats fucking hilarious, Why even ask
Ted Nugent did the same with Obama so why is this an issue?
2 wrongs make a right?
Because two wrongs don’t make a right. Because both were douchebags. Because the country is starting to think that violence is ok if someone doesn’t agree with you.
Because no. Mr Nugent never suggested that someone should kill a president. Never in parody or in any actual sense. No. No. No.
All nugent said was suck on my machine gun when the commie in chief was trying to shred the constitution.
Nugent never said anything about assassinating the president you fucking idiot
Man the cognitive dissonance in this room is absolute …lol…
Get your facts straight you fucking cock sucking liberal shitbag!!?
Oh he we go one of these assholes turns everything into an Obama comparison lmfao
You fuckin weed your garden or paint some porcelain ya fucking fruitcake
“Trump raped his daughters”
“Yeah well Hitler ate oatmeal same as Trump so fuck you!”
…come on, just stop
Brian Cee you’ve overdosed on Dennis Miller…
To be clear to the morons who claim nugent didnt threaten or suggest others should violently act against obama…there is video from the interview all over youtube…so theres that
No i overdosed on common fucking sense …
Let’s not forget Trump hinted at someone shooting Hillary Clinton. During the campaign.
Check ur meds or take them hell maybe u could just stop taking so many y do y’all go after the kids? Wtf did they have to do with it? Not a damn thing ….it’s fucking sad…. I seriously hope u don’t have daughters cause someone my say the same about u
Craig Depauw Nugent discussed shooting Harry Reid during the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in 2015. In January 2016, he called for both Obama and Clinton to “be tried for treason & hung.”
Robert Phillips, can you even read? Why is it ok for you to call someone names then put a little gun sticker after your comment? That’s fucked up!!
Ted Nugent has always been an asshole who’s only claim to fame was catch scratch fever from the 70s. I only know who he is because of That 70s Show… but Depp is huge.
Paula Aschenbrenner who’s dumb now?
Thats a tad different, in actuality.
The military wanted, and was constitutionally bound to remove Barack Obama by force. This is why so much of the Army and Marine Corps’ high command was effectively purged circa the beginning of Obama’s second term. The constitution quite literally said, in black and that sort of off-white yellow color, that this is what we were supposed to do. Here, we just have leftists being pieces of garbage just as they have in every single other instance in the history of mankind.
^^Probably not one of you fuckers voted and for damn sure not one of you are going to do a damn thing about anything except right-fight on fb
Who’s Jonny Depp? Never heard of him.
Says the guy talking shit on fb ….what have you done little guy? Not a fucking thing …so sit down and let the educated people speak
Nugent recanted and apologized. Name another famous Conservative celebrity who threatened violence? There are none. Look at the left.
“But the libruls”
“But the Right”
“But the Left”
All the while, BOTH parties are fucking over America. Y’all are just too busy hating the other guy to see it.
I can only see a couple of people in this thread that sound like they might have read “The Prince” by Machiavelli. The rest of you are examples of what he was talking about, and the success of his tactics.
Keep on arguing though, it’s exactly what the elite want. They’re laughing all the way to the bank.
Lol kathy griffin recanted and apologized …lol twit
But if nugent never said anything…what exactly did he recant and apologize for…get your story straight lmao
Nugent’s career was already in the shitter when he said it.
Paula you seem to be a semi intelligent person. Please stop posting pictures of your family members. It drops your IQ every time. Thank you. Have a blessed day.
Awe the trump supporter is butthurt by the truth posted by Paula..??
Patricia Ising Forcella Trump did … he even told his supporters that if they beat up the protesters at his rallies that he would pay for their defense. I could go on with people who advocated for violence in many different ways. The difference is, the man who is president not only advocated for it, but offered to pay for people’s legal fees if they did. He also asked the “second amendment people” to take care of Clinton. Trump has said that maybe people need to be roughed up … it was that way before and that’s how it should be … so yes, other celebrities have said it and people did exactly what they were commanded to do, which only attracted more protesters, which at the end of the day, is how that man got so much free publicity and stayed as popular as he was … the more outrageous, the more ratings, the more money and the more popularity. He’s really good at manipulating his supporters lol
MNBC really?
Johnny Depp made a comment and you all ended up here…
You guys are a such a bunch of winners
Aren’t you here too jay?…you must be a winner too
Let me say something, I’m a Trump supporter, and I completely condemn anybody that speaks of wishing death in any sitting president. I like Ted Nugent for what he’s known for. Rock and roll. Musicians, comedians, actors and many others need to stay the hell out of politics. If they were smart they would realize that they were in a business. As a business proprietor you want to be able to sell your product to anybody and everybody. The worst thing to do as a business person is to lower your rate of clientele.
Dave Kite Ted Nugent stopped being relevant decades ago. Depp is a still a drawcard despite being anti-republican for pretty much his entire career. This is likely to boost his ratings actually seeing as only a minority support Trump in a messiah worship kind of way….