SNL Muhammad Skit Draws Attention

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May 05, 2015 – Saturday Night Live took on another controversial top news story with a parody skit based on the classic game show Win, Lose or Draw. After the first round Of “Picture Perfect” was solved with ease, contestants played by SNL stars Bobby Moynihan and Kenan Thompson were asked to sketch out a clue shown only to the audience. Both awkwardly refused, after seeing that their task was to draw The Prophet Muhammad. Based on their unusual reactions which ranged from dropping the pen to attempting to pass their turn and ultimately refusing to draw anything, the episode’s host Reese Witherspoon was able to guess the clue correctly.
The skit was in obvious reference to the increasingly heated issue of the drawing of The Prophet, highlighted most recently by last week’s “Draw Muhammad” contest, at which two Islamist radicals were killed after opening fire on a cartoon contest in Garland, Texas.
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