Steve Harvey Tells Flint Caller To “Enjoy Your Nice Brown Glass Of Water”

- Funny
- Offensive
Show Me…Controversy!
June 15th, 2017 – The busiest host in entertainment (and the one with the lengthiest memo on how to interact with him) has caused a string of reactions this afternoon after a joke he made this morning made its way past radio waves. Steve Harvey, along with co-hosts, was talking with a caller on his radio show about the Cleveland Cavaliers’ lost to the Golden State Warriors. Harvey is a longtime fan of the Cavs and the caller, who said he lived in Flint, was ribbing him about the championship loss.
The back and forth went on for a while and, according to recording released by a listener, the conversation came to an awkward point when the caller said the Cavs “didn’t deserve jack.” Harvey’s response to that: a question followed by a controversial analysis.
“You from Flint? That’s why y’all ain’t even got clean water. When was the last time you touched water and it didn’t have lead in it?”
The co-hosts recognized the immediate problem and seemed to predict the future controversy.
“You’re out there now. You’re over the edge. Reel it in, man,” one hosts tells him. “Go ahead and apologize,” she continued sounding light hearted but aware.
Amid more nervous laughter and “wows,” Harvey tries to clarify saying:
“I wasn’t talking about the city of Flint. I was talking about him. He going to call in, say Cleveland don’t deserve jack, and he over there bathing in all that silver water.”
The show was about to move on, but Harvey wanted to say one more thing and it turned out that the caller was still on the line.
“One more thing…enjoy your nice brown glass of water,” the host cracked.
Flint, MI has battled for clean water for many years now with the first advisory going out in August 2014. The timing of the joke is also coming into question. Nick Lyon, health and human services department director, was charged with involuntary manslaughter earlier this week. Harvey referenced his effort in bringing awareness to the crisis in an explanation of the incident to NBC 25 News.
“This morning callers and I were cracking jokes about the Cleveland Cavaliers loss to the Golden State Warriors. I’m a huge Cavs fan.
The caller and I were talking trash about our teams and cities. ‘SIMPLY TRASH TALKING ABOUT SPORTS’.
I made a joke directed at him, as he is from Flint, a city for which I have great affection and respect.
So much so that I devoted a full hour on my daytime talk show to raising awareness for the Flint water crisis.
I also pressed then candidate, Hilary Clinton, to offer solutions to what I called one of the great catastrophes of modern times.
The and the caller laughed as my joke was taken in the context it was offered.
Any attempts to craft this into anything more serves no one.”
Karen Weaver, the mayor of Flint, has called for a public apology saying “To make a joke about a tragedy such as this was in very poor taste, especially coming from someone of your stature.”
Flint Mayor Weaver calls for a public apology from Steve Harvey. See her letter here.
— William A Harris (@BillHarrisTV) June 15, 2017
Plenty of other people, include Little Miss Flint, added their response to the joke.
Flint is not a joke @IAmSteveHarvey @SteveHarveyFM please apologize #FlintWaterCrisis #Flint #FlintLivesMatter #PeopleDied
— Little Miss Flint (@LittleMissFlint) June 14, 2017
Hey @IAmSteveHarvey remember me? Yea, the little Flint girl…please dont make water crisis jokes #FlintWaterCrisis
— Little Miss Flint (@LittleMissFlint) June 13, 2017
Question: Do we not like provocative comedy anymore? I realize that this issue isn’t funny at all. But we police comedy so much now.
— Chicago forever (@Veronicolumn) June 15, 2017
His “joke” was disgraceful & not in the least bit funny. Proud of my hometown and proud of this little lady for sticking up for it!
— Janice Ward (@JaniceWard09) June 15, 2017
Steve Harvey, This time u went way too far. Instead of using some of your many $$ to help Flint u get nasty. And all because of b’ball game
— Micki Vruno (@00micki) June 15, 2017
Steve Harvey in that sunken place.
— Malcolm Xnxx (@MrPryority) June 15, 2017
Do you think Steve Harvey’s joke about the water in Flint went too far? Should he apologize? Watch the video of the joke, and then vote FUNNY or OFFENSIVE.
51 thoughts on “Steve Harvey Tells Flint Caller To “Enjoy Your Nice Brown Glass Of Water””
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I thought it was real funny
People need to stop getting all sensitive when a comic makes an off-colour joke. Life needs dome levity. When people get offended, all I have to say about that is…
Suck it up butter cup.
I do stand-up comedy and I have some VERY inappropriate material that I will not change for any bleeding heart that got their feelings hurt, because they can’t take a joke.
Like Bill Mothershead stated is was very brutal but funny as hell thats what comedians do is make jokes about horrible situations LAUGH ONCR AND A WHILE PPL IT MIGHT DO YOU SOME GOOD if yall butthurt about that go listen to Daniel Tosh’s standup its way worse than that
What would George Carlin have said?
That’s pretty mean
If ANYONE should be apologizing, it’s the Mayor of Flint.
Savage Steve. Never would’ve expected that shit from him. He always acting so righteous on the feud.
Fuck Steve Harvey he’s a unfunny jackass
I strongly dislike this man. He is not as funny, or cool as he thinks he is. Controversial jokes can be funny, but know your audience. This, was not the right time, nor audience
…also their water is crunchy.
Not offensive. Perhaps he’s bringing awareness to a problem that should have been fixed fucking years ago?
Perhaps it was a swipe at fracking?
I would think he is enjoying himself after all who doesn’t love steve harvey joke
So he’s enjoying him self
He had an entire show on this and met with the President. Trump has authorized millions to fix this it’s the local politicians holding it up.
No one realized what an asshole he is years ago ?
How dare he speak the truth
Fuck that Mr potato head looking motherfucker.
Steve Harvey is rarely funny.
Sense of humor is like clean water, not everyone is gonna have it
If that person was being a dick, they deserved it. Otherwise, that was fucked up. I’m too lazy to read it right now. Lol
that humor is as dark as he is
It was brutal, but funny. How many disasters have become punchlines over the years? Titanic, Hindenburg, the great Chicago fire and Mrs. Olearys cow. It’s humor. It’s dark, but it helps people cope with reality.
That’s fucking hilarious
It’s not just flint with bad water.. alot of michigan and other states as well. Flint is just the only city that’s getting media coverage. If you don’t believe me and live near Detroit or on the outskirts, go buy a water test and you’ll see.
If he hadn’t inserted himself into the political arena I’d say who gives a shit…but he’s been quite vocal about cleaning up broken cities/neighborhoods, and improving infrastructure..including housing…which would include tackling issues like those that are happening in Flint. So when you appear to present yourself as someone who wants to represent a change for the future, this just comes of as adding insult to injury…
He had an entire show on this and met with the President. Trump has authorized millions to fix this it’s the local politicians holding it up.
Honestly, if white people are allowed to stay on TV after saying things like that, why not?
What’s offensive is the fact the water is still brown.
what year exactly did everyone become so fucking sensitive?
well then there’s only one person to blame. Thanks Obama
I’d say 2013 or Nov 2012
Steve Harvey is still biased and loves his black race!! Watch family feud!!? White women are killing the white race!!! Point blank
The mayor should be more concerned about her city’s water, than Steve’s jokes.
Its not funny American government has Billions for wars but cant fix water problems bet if Washington Dc had brown water they fix that shit
Fuck that dick eating motherfucker I hope this bitch ass fall off and his bitch ass Show get cancelled and his punk ass wife get raped
Do you know how stupid you sound?
Bitch nobody asked for your fucking opinion I said what I said mother fucker and if you don’t like it move the fuck on
People care more about the joke than they do the water. Maybe donate a dollar there.,,maybe. Just a thought.
He had an entire show on this and met with the President. Trump has authorized millions to fix this it’s the local politicians holding it up.
Howie Bloom
Well its true
Eat a dick Steve
Comedians are best at being cruel…but maybe it could’ve been a bit more light hearted.
Just poor taste!! Forgive the pun!!
How’s a bad joke about this worse than the water not being fixed yet? Of course, it’s crass af, but I hate it when an intertextual reference is more offensive to some than the incident it references.
I listened to it. Being from Flint, the conversation was offensive. His finishing line was funny.
Funny, but a very sad situation.
I think Harvey just broke record it’s funny and offensive at the same time lol.