Stephen Colbert “Homophobic” Trump BJ Joke Triggers Outrage

- Funny
- Offensive
Dear Mr. President
May 3rd, 2017 – Late Show host Stephen Colbert is under fire for telling a joke that many believe crossed a line. Colbert has made his ratings skyrocket in the past few months by ramping up his targeted Trump jokes. Monday night, he was true to form and fired off blow-by-blows, but it was the line about Trump’s mouth being a, um, holder of sorts that made #FireColbert trend.
The monologue for the evening was called “This Monologue Goes Out To You, Mr. President” and towards the end, Colbert found himself coming to the defense of fellow CBS employee John Dickerson. The reporter had recently been engaged in a viral interview which Trump abruptly ended after Dickerson kept pressing him on the still unfounded claim that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.
“Let me introduce you to something we call ‘The Tiffany Way,'” Colbert began. “When you insult one member of the CBS family, you insult us all. Ba-zinga! Here we go.”
And off he went with the roast:
“Mr. Trump, your presidency, I love your presidency. I call it ‘Disgrace The Nation.'”
“You’re a regular Gorge Washington.”
“You’re turning into a real prick-tator.”
“Sir, you attract more skinheads than free Rogaine ”
“You have more people marching against you than cancer.”
“You talk like a sign language gorilla that got hit in the head.”
“In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s c–k holster.”
Colbert rattled off a couple more jokes, but out of the entire roast battle it was the Vladimir Putin c–k holster joke that sent people into a tizzy. There were those who thought the joke was a homophobic slur. There were those who said a joke like that would have never been allowed if it was said against President Obama. People also called out many who threw Jesse Watters under the bus for a sly comment about the way Ivanka was holding a microphone but were giving Colbert a pass. And to round out the hysteria, people also held up a mirror to champions of free speech who just last week were up in arms about Ann Coulter not being allowed to say what many categorize as hate speech.
And for good measure, some people also brought up what was said on that Access Hollywood bus by our current president.
Remember when you elected a president who admitted to touching unwilling women but want the comedian fired for a lewd joke?#firecolbert
— CJM (@TheSnobCompany) May 2, 2017
I love how #FireColbert is trending. All the right wing redneck misogynist snowflakes were offended by what Colbert said! Cry me a river.
— Disgustd Atheist (@disgust_d) May 2, 2017
Literally every conservative that is tweeting #FireColbert tweeted about how freedom of speech is under attack like 5 days ago
— emily orlich (@emilyorl) May 2, 2017
Can’t figure out why the “pro-free speech,” “Anti PC,” crowd is so triggered by a BJ joke. #firecolbert
— Keaton (@keatonc33) May 2, 2017
REPUBLICANS: Ann Coulter should be able to say whatever she wants in Berkeley.
Also REPUBLICANS: The man on TV said a mean joke.
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) May 3, 2017
Now the little right wing mushrooms want to #FireColbert because he made fun of the Troll King. Waaaa! It’ll go as well as #BoycottHamilton.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) May 3, 2017
@StephenAtHome Totally unacceptable and shameful to speak of our Commander In Chief that way #FIRECOLBERT
— Dantrell Dawson III (@blkamerican1) May 2, 2017
You know, it’s time to #FireColbert cos if this was Rush saying this about Obama his head would roll. It’s time to level the playing field
— Jake Taylor (@Number7Catches) May 2, 2017
#FireColbert Anti-American. Homophobic. Bigot.
— TheyLIVE (@zsazsagogrl) May 2, 2017
On one hand, @JimmyKimmelLive tugging at the heartstrings with genuine feels. On the other, homophobic @colbertlateshow. #FireColbert
— REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (@muhfeefees) May 2, 2017
The fact that Colbert can make homophobic statements shows his privilege & systematic oppression of minority groups.#FireColbert
— Scott Presler (@ScottPresler) May 3, 2017
#FireColbert is still a growing hashtag, @firecolbert has been created on Twitter, and now exists. CBS and Colbert haven’t released any statements but the bleeped joke still seems to be causing a lot of bleeping problems for them.
Do you think Colbert’s Trump/Putin BJ joke crossed a line? Funny or Offensive? Vote below and be sure to give us your thoughts on how the free speech debate fits in with late night jokes.
364 thoughts on “Stephen Colbert “Homophobic” Trump BJ Joke Triggers Outrage”
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I don’t see what the big deal is… I’m gay and I thought it was funny af…
Funny and true
Outrage from the same idiots who elected the dumbass who is more offensive by just existing
Watching all these liberal snowflakes mocking people for applying their very own world view to a situation is hilarious. Pro tip children: Homophobic is a liberal PC term. We are using your own butt hurt tactics against you. You are all such ridiculous hypocrites that you chant “free speech” and “it’s just a joke” (conservative opinions) when for years you have tried to destroy free speech when it is inconvenient to your agenda. I used to think liberals were just dumb. Now I understand it is just undiagnosed mental illness…
how does it feel to be a walking cliche, devoid of any inherent value on your own, so the only way to lift yourself up is to put down others?
this was on HIS wall
and i bet he actually thinks this is profound. or even accurate (it’s not).
nvm. i dont debate fucking idiots…. i only debate my equals. my lessers – that would be you, Cletus – can watch and learn.
ya know, y’all can keep telling me how much “outrage” this caused all you want… i still have heard zero person – besides the media – make this an actual thing. and i’m around some of the most liberal minded people on earth 24/7.
Same here. All conservatives I know don’t watch Colbert, and not one single progressive or gay person I know is angry about this.
Get over it, he is a comedian.
Political correctness gone mad and media blowing it up to make headlines out of something stuipid people have got to relax .
Hah well done..who cares
No one fucking cares
It’s funny as hell and unfortunately also the TRUTH…
Stupid people.
Do you have to be neurotically paranoid about your lifestyle to be openly gay in America??
Hey first off I hate the term millenials, I was a 90’s kid and if you grew up in the 90’s all you did was make fun of each other I got some tough skin and I don’t need a safe space. Second this was funny as fuck. Stephen colbert is one hell of a comedian
Who cares who’s offended let them change their panties and get over it
It’s not homophobic
Only to snowflakes and Millennials and Republicans you know the people that like to get butt hurt easily over comedy, get over folks it’s jokes.
Where have you been the last fifteen years, while everything funny gets censord for liberal PC culture? Liberals rewriting history yet again… Smh
Anyone who has a problem with this is a fucking pussy.
Trumps a punk
I’m a proud Trump supporter. It just shows how easily entertained the liberals
Like how?
Fuck it. I thought it was funny.
He’s a fucking comedian… If it’s funny laugh, if not move on! My God lighten up America!
Everybody nowadays is triggered by something. ..
Our President literally said grabbed her by the pussy, whatever the comedian said is null and void.
It was very funny. Lol
Holy fuck how quickly the right can become the snowflakes.
Fuck off. It was a fucking joke. And a good one at that.
The term better suits them.
They are practically all WHITE, after all.
ppl just need to chill the hell out
Can someone explain how that comment is homophobic? Doesn’t sound like he has an issue with homosexuality at all…..
Btw, I have no feelings one way or the other about Trump
It’s a derogatory term for homosexuals.
It isn’t. Being a c*** holster is homo, not homophobic. BIG difference.
But I have to question Trump’s taste in dick… tators.
Jaclyn Nicole Manz not according to Jim Parsons, a gay man, who said the next night he had never heard the term before, and found if titilating.
I love that word ^^^^^lol
I found nothing about it homophobic. At all. Far worse things are said about women on a daily basis.
1st amendment free speech. Fuckin hilarious.
Wow smdh people are offended by anything
So if I call someone a cock holster in public it won’t be taken as anything?
You won’t be fined or arrested.
But offended? as it is just words?
Take offense to whatever you will. It too is protected by the First Amendment. You have a right to feel teh butthertz.
I’m not butt hurt at all from that?? I agree with that you can say whatever you want but hate speech still falls under you can say whatever you want?
Offended or not. He is practicing the first amendment. He didnt threaten bodily harm. It was a simple joke. I laughed when he poked at Obama when he was on comedy central. He is a comedian. This is his job.
Indeed. Remember when he called Bill O’Reily papa bear. I bet he wish he could have that joke back lol.
Your caps lock gets stuck in the on position?!?
When y’all are the ones crying, “Homophobia!” the rest of us see the irony.
… says the 700lb sweathog from Canada with a fucking Limp Biskit picture on their profile, once you get past all the pictures of his unhealthily obese partner and offspring.
maybe those of us out here in the real world don’t give two shits what “a person” like you thinks? cause we were taught not to. because – are you ready for this? – because you are literally the venom and ignorance we are trying to move past and evolve beyond.
see ya in the 21st century, Cletus
Ppl need 2 stop calling it a homophobic joke. Homophobia is fear of faggots. It was a gay joke. I support trump but LmMfao & what Colbert said. It was a funny fuckin joke
what a fucking tool
and the funny thing is? to an inbred ignorant backwood ass piece of shit from louisiana (of which i have several in my family), he probably thinks what he said was fucking kind or enlightened in some way hahahhaa
“homophobia is fear of faggots”
this person making it to full term was a fucking waste of perfectly good abortion equipment
Come say that shit 2 my face u fuckin keyboard warrior
U 1 of them faggots eh? Seems like u would b more butthurt taking it up the ass than over what I said
Allow him to say whatever he wants
Hilariously funny and spot on lol I have watched it many times it was truthful and spot on lol
Absolutely the truth. Trumps mouth is OBviously Putins chick holster. Spot on spot on
He just said what the world is thinking..
You don’t find it just a bit off ?
Every show, every guest, all show long, Trump bashing.
lol I meant cock holster
And I was being sarcastic
Everyone is sick of 45 lies .. He is doing a great job destroying what was once a great country . Epa gone clean water gone education gone middle class gone parks gone your country is not America just wait till you learn your new mandate language RUSSIAN
I have clean water, all the NEA liberal brainwashing buildings across America are still open, America is still the greatest country on earth & has improved greatly since MY vote got in office, middle class just got a new mustang 2 weeks ago, the epa needed an adjustment & I’ve been hearing Russian men with headphones on for years. Frankly, I’d rather have white Russians than chocolaty cocoa puffs with hatred for everything I stand for (Muslims)taking over this country. Remember when Obama closed the parks a few years ago? I do. Peace out Deborah Kivilahti. BTW I’m judging you… I just did it again… and there it went again. Judge, judge, judge?
It’s all good it’s fun way watching your country implode.. I feel sorry for you for not being able to see what a great nation you became over the last 8 years only to have 45 destroy all … Good luck lol judge judge judge lol damn our Canadian way of life is to love you and wish you the best judge away while the rest of the real not fake world laughs
Obama was all for show & Mohammed. You’re blind
Your racist lol haven’t you noticed that anything good he did now 45 is undoing wow stay supporting 45 seriously enjoy .. and don’t get sick . In Canada we have universal healthcare so if you do get sick you don’t lose everything you own .
Where kids with cancer are cured for free … old people are looked after .
I’m for America & Americans not Mexican & Muslim rejects. If it weren’t for my vote USA would be following Paris post haste. & Canada is not as great as you say. If it was, all the celebrities that promised to move there if Trump got elected would’ve moved there. Face it, you suck. & your a racist. I’m judging you & I find you guilty of false allegations without proof of Potus. You are hereby deemed a typical Libtard that hates anything you don’t agree with. Enjoy your leash dog
Billy hall you are a prime example of why the world is laughing ..i am not racist… enjoy your 45 new world order … wow the hatred is strong in 45 supporters.. and yes CANADIANS ARE THE BEST
Leash dog ???
Omg I get it Billy Hall god is on your side …
He is actually
Lol your hilarious
Oh and liberal too and green party and atheist
It was bad taste and in appropriate for his audience but not worthy of the FCC
No one is offended.
It was funny. And I’m gay.
It was funny as hell!…only fags took offense!!!
If it were done to Obama, bet your opinion would be completely opposite
Obama wasn’t riding putin dick like the clown that is the so-called president
It’s the homophobic words that were expressed. Read the headline..
And how is Trumps current relationship with Putin and Russia? Collaboration doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, considering that we are in perhaps the same tensions with Russia, as we were since the Cold War era…
Obama had a slot of mud slung at him my dear sir. And as an obama supporter I laughed at it. Believe it or not, Colbert slung most of it on his show on comedy central. I am a huge colbert fan. I see its a joke. Laugh and move on. But thanks for giving Colbert free publicity.
Oh “COCK HOLSTER” insinuating Trump sucks Putins dick is SOOOOOOOO homophobic! You know how those lefty snowflakes are! They’re all “We love LGBT ?️?” but in reality the right wing religious zealots are SOOOOO much more tolerant. Yes! Colbert the homophobe ! The LEFT and gays go together like LGBT and rooftops in Chechnya. They make me sick!
fun fact Russia was not involved in the election but left liberal lunatics insists it was but they are wrong lol
Comedians can’t even tell jokes without offending people anymore. Anybody who has a problem with it, is a pathetic little bitch, with emotional problems.
Except it has always been done to Obama. I’ve seen lots of discriminatory stuff like Obama portrayed as a monkey and saw lots of him being hanged but no one ever got sued. Now, apparently, if you laugh at Jeff Sessions you can go to jail. Or making a joke like Stephen did can make snowflakes cry more.
Gary Housel lol Russia did hack the election just like there trying to do over seas
What Rob neilsen. You trumpsters are the biggest cry baby bitches I’ve ever known.
Fun fact, republikkkunt inbreds are stupid af but they don’t know it.
Naw i watched people call him a kenyan muslim socialist terrorist. It didn’t bug me none.
Hes a comedian, it was a joke
I love Colbert
He’s funny
“In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s c–k holster.”
I don’t even find this homophobic.
(Homophobic: having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.–disliking Trump: yes, disliking gay people: no)
Colbert is the only one who thinks he’s funny. The rest of us think he’s just an as#hole.
aww a Republican got their feelings hurt there there it will be ok
Oh, did the poor wittle snowflakes get offended? Suck it up b*tches.
Who’s Steven Calvert?
Has everyone forgot all the horrible things Trump has said about people he dislikes?
*rolls eyes*
Steven Colbert is a douche
I bet Trump sucks Putin’s dick hard…
Ha cock holster
If you view things differently that is why freedom of speech is allowed. Freedom of speech is useless if it is judged/suppressed by those with differing viewpoints. If you’re for LBGTQ and some one differs in opinion and calls you heterophobic what then?????
Just people gettin triggered
Among who???
Seems to me you can change the channel and then not talk about. But seeing as our society can’t mind it’s own business we get in an uproar over something many wouldn’t normally pay attention too.
And hey liberals how do you think Trump won the Republican primary, by being offensive and keeping the attention on himself, so keep up your stupidity and it’ll all work out for you. Because America loves stupid shit we should ignore that doesn’t really affect our lives.
He made fun of brain damage, deafness, and male on male sex. If he called Obama a sign language gorilla with a head injury and said Hillary was his cock holster would it be funny? Maybe so, but no matter who it was about it seems a little much.
I agree it seemed a bit much for broadcast tv. I think this kind of comedy belongs elsewhere as children can readily view it. I also think a lack of respect for office is problematic. You can insult on an intellectual level instead of resorting to “blue” comedy.
Lol. Too funny.
If it was Obama – would it be funny?.. NO he crossed a line, I wish we still had duels 0ver honor Stephen would have a few duels to deal with.
Was it funny when Right Wingers were calling Michelle Obama a man?
He is.
David Richards It wasn’t on the tonight show.
Obama was ridiculed by the current president for not being a natural citizen was that ok??? Calling him a Muslim terrorist was that ok??? Calling him a antisemitic was that ok???
P.S. none were proven to be true.
Michael Thompson Again things said during the election and to make headlines. Yes having a cock in you mouth is way worse. But here is one for you, just for you.
Colbert is a whiny bitch. I couldn’t care less if they fire him. I’m ok with him wallowing in self pity.
He is a bitch
It’s funny. But if it would have been someone on the right that said it it would be a national outrage from the gay community
first off this wasnt homophobic he wasnt insulting gays and its hillarious all the racist ridiculous crap mean vile talk against obama and now you people get horfified omg how hhypochritical is that
up in arms at the atrocity of living.
That’s the point, Colbert wants to say something offensive so the left can again attack the right. Colbert when it comes down to it isn’t funny, he is trying to make a small group of people laugh. In less then a month nobody will care. It’s what a lot of these other TV shows don’t understand. You make fun of Trump he will have a second term. When your fueled by hate your blinded because when you think your fucking them there fucking you.
It wasn’t homophobic at all.
Personally I think his observations about the president were spot on… that’s my unsolicited $0.02
I hate people.
Not if it’s about trump
That’s what happens when you pander to specific demographics.
Isn’t it funny how the people who are crying over this as “homosexual rhetoric” are the same ones who scream homophobic rhetoric and add the words “god” or “Bible” to justify it when they’re doing it….
It was fucking hilarious.
This is not an issue of PC culture. This is outright vulgarity. Show me one instance where an entertainer on national tv went after Obama in this fashion let alone an entire industry. This isn’t “one joke” or a casual jab – it is a non-stop narrative; a complete continual assault by the entertainment industry with the collaboration of the mainstream media. Obama endured nothing like this. Imagine if any nationally televised entertainer had said anything remotely like this about Obama. The media would have been calling for blood of the “racist.” As I recall Saturday Night Live, Bill Maher, Late Night with whom ever, and every other outlet loved Obama, Clinton and all the Democrats. Please show me an example where someone on tv said Obama mouth is a cock holster. If the MSM and entertainment industry actually did their jobs during the last 8 years with the new found zeal and dedication it now has perhaps the hypocrisy wouldn’t be so blatant Obama had an adoring entertainment industry that swooned at his feet; and, a worshiping media that downplayed his missteps and anointed him as Savior of the free world until the end of his administration. How short term memories fail….defending this behavior as non-pc is intellectually dishonest and/or blatantly biased. It’s not right vs. left. It’s right vs. wrong.
FUCK the homos get I over it. Grow up
That’s what comedians do, they make fun of clowns! Funny!
It’s not really homophobic a woman can use her mouth as a cock holster too you know.
I don’t think Trump supporters are actually offended by this, if they are, that’s just stupid. They’re just pointing out a double standard. If ANYBODY who was right leaning had said this, can you imagine the uproar? That’s the point being made.
To say Trump supporters have all of a sudden become PC, come on. Being PC and being a Trump supporter, or even a Republican at all at this point, is something that doesn’t mix. Political correctness deserves to be in the trash.
No they are. Following that Milo guy gets you amusing shit
I’m a Trump supporter and Republican. Figured that was obvious from what I said lol.
I am certainly not offended. I, for one anyway, am not perpetually offended like some.
But the hypocrisy of people is astounding. If a conservative had made this joke…my God, end of the world.
And I like Milo.
Steven Colbert rocks
Obama was the one with the rainbow over the White House. Makes me wonder if he gave BJs
I’m not afraid of homosexuals I just think its gross and immoral. Why are homosexuals so defensive?
First of all he didn’t mean for it to be funny he was pissed off because of the fact Trump took such a low blow to a decent journalist. He has every right to be fed up with what’s going on just as much as anybody else does. The only difference between him and us is that he has a public platform. I love it when people say that his time is up because he isn’t funny anymore. The man has been around for a very long time and makes more sense than Trump ever has at any point in his life. I’m pissed off that people are still talking about this bullshit…. after all the insanely disgusting and racist jokes that was made about Obama and his family, conservatives need to shut the fuck up, seriously…. it’s getting old and ridiculous.
People need to enjoy a dark joke it is OK to insult people he wasn’t being sincere
So then Mohammed parking his member in Obama’s mouth would be funny then?
1st amendment, unless I disagree with it…these people are why abortion is still legal, dumb breeds dumb.
Fucking halarious not sure why it is a homophobic joke but whatever.
Cock holster! Lmfao!
If they can make gay Obama jokes, why not him too?
Who cares what he says that’s all he has is jokes against our president .They say the world is laughing at us maybe because we no longer have and respect of the office
Colbert only caters to the sore loser Liberals who think he’s funny. What ever helps you Snowflakes, LMFAO
It’s amazing that idiots are more worried about his words being homophobic than worried about what such a nasty, childish disrespectful attack on our elected president. Wonder why our country is going to shit? Crap like this, no moral limits.
Your president openly talked about grabbing pussies and mocking the disabled..and now colbert is disrespecting the office..lmao
Said long before he was president in a private setting not know to be recorded. Nothing you or I haven’t said similar. Not until this president has this like this been turned so hateful and disrespectful, even though almost every president before did worse. Your argument is rediculous Todd Groves
Oh no I hate it if they started making jokes about a sitting president like they have been doing forever.
When it comes to jokes both Democrats and Republicans, whine like little bitches, equally. When the joke is made at the expense of someone on their side. 2017 NO JOKES ALLOWED
It’s sad how on either side it’s the pussies and the morons that are seen and heard
I don’t find this offensive, but I do find it distasteful. Had he said something of a similar nature about Obama, during his tenure as President, he would’ve been questioned by secret service.
That was when we had president that didnt talk about grabing pussies and mocking the disabled.. As far as im concerned trump brought it on him self
Valid point, but Colbert still wouldn’t have said that without recourse.
Colbert didn’t have to say things like that about Obama because you had people like Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh saying a hundred times worse with no recourse.
I thought it was pretty funny… __(o.O)__/
All you poor baby pussies can also be cock holsters
Is that what he said? Hahah, Stephen is hilarious ?
Didn’t Jay Leno lose his job because of something similar??
If this dick head wouldve said the same thing about odumbo it wouldve ended his career
He made a cancer joke but no, fire him for making a gay joke…
Some people are retards
fire him. its only fair
Dude ain’t funny he’s more annoying than anything. like the little kid who tries to be super obnoxious just to get attention.
What did he say???
I might have gone a bit further.
Colbert was never funny. Ever. Now he’s just ridiculous. End of story.
I’m not worried about him offending the ones that scream political correctness is bad, I’m upset that he is taking late night tv into a bad place.
Much in the same way “grab em by the pussy” took another American institution to a bad place.
If you mad about that and not mad about the pussy grabbing then you’re a hypocrite … … STFU
Have a great cinco de mayo we’ll be there for you.
Such a sell out.
Fuck Trump
Lol homophobic my ass. This is stupidm
I don’t give two shits about what any “celebrity” says, I make my own decisions
It wasn’t homophobic but it was hilarious.
It’s a joke not a dick, don’t take it so hard, ya fuckin pansies! lol
Ha. They cant even get gating the right correct without hating on their own. Ha
I love colbert, I usually watch him to nose exhale a few times and see if I missed important, and usually I don’t laugh. But this was so funny, I’m not sure why people are crying over it.
It was funny. It was an example of free speech.
Comedy is subjective. Get over yourselves. Gay people are going through much worse than a “mean joke”.
Screw the thought police.
Funny. Funny all damn day!
Speaking as a gay man…that wasn’t homophobic at all..I love Colbert!!! #savecolbertsjob
Funny. Grow up people it was a joke.
Wait, so Democrats are the snowflakes? I think Republicans are the ones who are the snowflakes here. Say anything negative about Trump and they go apeshit
Supporter’s after hearing a joke about their führer (Donald Trump).
Spot on
Who? I never watch his shitty show
I don’t care that he made a “gay joke”. That doesn’t bother me. What does bother me is that the mainstream media thinks that anything they can say about Trump is funny. At this point the left will laugh at literally ANYTHING they say negative against Trump so people are getting lazy with the jokes. Trump does have a lot of material that could be funny but they always try to make stuff that isn’t real funny. Being a human cheeto, funny! Having tiny hands, funny! Pretending that he has a gay relationship with Putin when Obama basically got on his knees for every other country out there…stupid.We get it, you hate Trump can you make a joke beside that point please? Can you make fun of the fact that Biden is a creeper from hell? Can you make fun of the fact that Hilary has gained 40 pounds since she lost the election? Something not predictable would be nice.
He just makes it so fucking easy to make fun of him. The guy is a fucking moron, my bet is that he has dementia and is really not fit for the presidency. I mean come on that fucktard need to stay off of twitter!
If he doesn’t want to be a joke he should giving them so much material.
You both missed my point. It’s the same joke over and over and over again. If it was something different it might be funny but it’s not. The left will laugh at anything having to do with him so it’s an easy audience but come on do something worth laughing at. It basically feels like a fart joke on repeat.
I haven’t heard the cock holster joke from anyone else.
You say the left will laugh at anthing but in the comments even Trumpers said they laughed. If you don’t like it don’t watch it. I don’t like what I have heard from fox news so I don’t watch it.
So all this BS from a shit shoveler joke whopp ding….
This isn’t just the run of the mill trump joke though is it? There was actual real world context in between, not just a mindless swing…
Personally I love it when people have pokey digs at trump, because usually his stupid ass gets the better of him and he ends up responding too it and in the process gives everyone else more material.
I laugh at Trump jokes, Obama jokes, Hillary jokes, Bush jokes, Bernie jokes cause they’re funny.
Oooh and I particularly like Kenedy jokes
The consertive butthurt is the best part of this whole thing.
I think it’s funny as hell trump sucks
I don’t see how it’s homophobic. The point was not making fun of him because he’s gay, it was making fun of the fact that trump is putin’s bitch.
Where is the whole “anything goes” mentality of the alt-right in this case? One joke about Trump, and they adopt the same “PC Culture” they rail against.
True neither side can take a joke, anymore.
It’s more about hypocrisy
Devin Jerome Price
I don’t like what he said about our president but I don’t see how what he said makes him homophobic.
I’d say it’s more ironic than anything. Leftist tv host makes a joke and it turns on him.
As a Partial Supporter of President Trump I’ll just say in my opion but it seems like this “Trump Topic” is the Only thing keeping him in Business Anymore. Let Stephen Rock it out for as long as he Can and wants. His Fame will be over soon.
Good luck w that.
Ask Don Imus
Homophobic???? Lolol
But FOO and liberals across the land are still sucking the ghost of Obama’s dick.
All hail king snowflake
It was funny but can you imagine if a conservative said it?
Excellent, perfect, keep it up my good man. If only we could FIRE TRUMP.
A why did the chicken cross the road nowadays caused an outrage. Everyone’s panties gets so waded up over anything.
Fags use their mouths as cock holsters the same way breeders use their mouths as front butt chairs. So what?
It’s not homophobic to call a man a cocksucker… fucking snowflakes
Not offended
I dont get bothered by what he says. I actually find it humorous that he and many others can’t come up with any good material other than bashing the president. With that being said, I’d still love to punch him directly in the teeth.
Why do you want to punch him if you’re not bothered?
Because I think he’s a dipshit. That doesn’t mean I’m bothered by what he said.
You think he’s a dipshit because you’re bothered by what he says.
Nope. Nice try.
Why are you bothered?
Don’t ask stupid questions lady. I’m not bothered. I’m quite entertained.
So basically Jeremy you are saying his cock holster joke does not bother you but Stephen Colbert is just a annoying comedian that can’t come up with original jokes and is a dipshit therefore you want to punch him in the teeth I totally get it … You can’t turn on any talk show without hearing trump jokes it would be nice to get some variance once in awhile
Tony Hammond, you got it! Unfortunately some people are so very narrow-minded. What I find hilarious about his lame joke (which seriously doesn’t bother me) is that it’s technically a gay joke. And by gay I mean gay. So calling Trump gay is funny for these liberals, but then they turn around and call Trump a homophobe. So hypocritical. They don’t see it.
Snowflake alert
Trumps the dipshit,i hope the jokes run his dumbass out of office,its dumbasses like yourself who voted him in.i bet you were beating off to the obama jokes.dafuq outta here.go be his monica lewinsky
It doesnt bother me but let me tell u 30 times how much it doesnt bother me because it bothers me that you all know it bothers me smh
If Trump doesn’t want to be the butt of all jokes he shouldn’t give them so much material to work with.
It’s funny to make homophobes the butt of gay jokes because they hate it. Look at the gay Putin meme.
LOL, that’s cute.
Stupid as usual, but just as stupid is calling for him to be fired, free speech goes both ways, if you don’t like what he says don’t watch him.
Ive seen this story in a number of places. I have yet to see a gay person say they were offended. Quite the contrary, in fact.
I’m a huge trump supporter but this doesnt bother me at all. Anything goes in comedy.
You can’t be thrown in jail for comments made about political figures. It was important enough to make that part of an amendment, as I recall.
Michelle was accused of being trans. Obama was compared to an ape. No one rioted.
Yeah okay, all the racist comments made about Michelle Obama by the right wing media. Gtfoh with that bullshit.
Help is on the way.
Now what snowflakes need to calm down!
Except maybe Hillary Clinton…
That’s true Holly Schumann. I don’t support that cunt either
How was it homophobic? He simply said Putin used Trump’s little mouth as a dick holder.
Don’t push Colberts bottons.
Calm down
It wasn’t funny. It was HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!
Colbert SUCKS in general.
It was hysterical!!! It was also true.
Cockholster!!! Haha!!
If you’re a conservative and offended by words… you’re a Liberal… we all know it! Come out the closet
Hahaha best quote I’ve read
Haha…you think, didn’t Colbert get his show by following Stewart around with lip gloss and lube for a couple terms?!?!
Somehow,no one remembers how he got his job.He was actually talking about something he knows about.
Too funny
I used to like Colbert until a few months ago
Im sure he’s heartbroken
He will be when Trump puts him in check
Rump isn’t putting anyone in check. He’s too busy getting checked by reality.
I highly doubt it, if the media keeps throwing cheap shots and people support it, the real Americans will defend him and the county 100%
Everyone born in America is a real American. And the majority of us do not support Rump in any way, and won’t until he starts making good choices.
Cool, I will be getting off of here soon…best thing to happen to this country since Regan and Trump is letting himself get burned in the media and Facebook
The real Americans?
This is why I dislike Facebook, you can pm anybody important and they don’t give a shit, plus you have the ill-informed who would prefer welfare and unemployment as a given which screws over those of us who have tallent and will not make decent money because of the shakes
What about those us who can’t spell talent? Shakes?What are you talking about?
It was funny, but people on both sides have completely over reacted to this.
When a liberal says it, its just a joke.
When a conservative says it, it’s a racist, sexist, homophobic, insensitive bigot, islamaphobic etc etc
How is it homophobic?
Shut your fucking cock holster
How is that homophobic? I’m aware of what he said.
Shut your cockholster is homophobic when the target is gay. As far as the public knows, Rump has never gone ass to mouth.
Exactly Melissa Jane Ries-Lasseter these mouth breathers don’t get it.
Thats because when a “liberal” says it, it IS an actual joke. When “conservatives” say it, they ARE being racist homophobes. See the difference?
Tony Salvatore I presented what the question as rhetorical.
They don’t get it, never will. But they laughed at people saying Michelle was a man.
I hope none of you have reproduced
Liberal hypocrisy. Like liberals wearing cunt hats to “empower” women, but ignoring Islamic “doctors” mutilating little girls. Also they are generally the biggest crybabies around. Liberal are like ticks, one is too many of the parasitic vermin and they should be treated with fire, lots of it.
Why do you call them cunt hats? There cat ears. No one is ignoring genital mutilation.
Eric Hurst the “pussy hat” is a hat with cat ears. It does not resemble a vagina in any way aside from being pink. Also, there are no Islamic doctors mutilating girls in the USA. I’m guessing you also believe that Dearborn is a Muslim only zone and that Hillary’s pizza orders were another kind of sausage entirely.
Melissa Jane Ries-Lasseter,a ctually I think 3 doctors have been arrested in connection with female genital mutilation. Goddamn it do your fucking homework. I don’t want to defend these fucking pussy ass tea party assholes.
Mark Baca, I was talking to the fuck head who posted this.
He is correct I think they arrested a second Islamic doctor for FGM in Michigan. I am no where near Michigan. I do not know if the pink hats are protesting it. The doctors are arrested so not sure what protesters would protest.
They should be protesting actual women’s rights violations, not some fairly take agenda made up by the media. You can tell a liberal, because they’re wrong, about everything, all the time.
By the way Melissa Jane Ries-Lasseter, I’ve been to Dearborn, I live 15 miles from there and I’ve seen Sharia only zone signs posted, so go pound sand you ignorant feminist gash.
Sh I w us pics of the Sharia only signs from your trip Eric Hurst. Actual women’s rights violations? Which ones are actual and which ones are made up by media?
Ah, so now reds want some political correctness. Fuck your feelings, that was hilarious.
That shit was fucking hilarious
This was an obvious micro-aggression with blatant homophobic undertones
How was it homophobic?
It wasnt even homophobic…
I thought it was funny…but I’m also not some pansy that gets offended by words.
I second that!
Hmm, didnt see any Republicans complaining about the racist jokes or the comments about Michelle Obama being a man.
thats because its a dude
You really should not make a comment about someones appearance.
That’s because Trumpers are hypocrites.
What’s racist about her having a dick? Oh, liberals. Where food can be racist because some idiot said it was.
Conservatives, where they can call all mexicans rapist while eating a taco.
Thanks for showing everyone your stupidity Eric Hurst and Jerry Dixon
How is saying she looks like a dude racist?
Obviously you are too dumb to see the difference between the 2 parts of the sentence.
At least they tried to read… they just get confused by big words like or.
Only liberals make the connection that every Mexican is a rapist. You idiots keep glomming on to false narratives and wonder why everyone knows you’re idiots. Because you idiots scream the same lies over and over hoping it will become truth.
There were none you obviously missed the point
How is that racist?
Think you need to review the term
It was racists saying michelle looked like a gorilla.. Maybe not the looks like a man comment. Then the same asshats complain about melanias childish racists and ignorant..
He never said looking like a man was racist. Whats wrong w ppl?
Ape in heels in their opinion was not racist right?
That is
But some ppl suck
Some of you are a real indictment of the education system in this country.
What’s wrong? He’s just “telling it like it is”
Awesome show keep up the pressure, Cheeto will crack soon!!!!
WHAT is “Crossing the Line”??? What I find absolutely hilarious, you may find offensive. It’s all about personal preference, really. Some like Tabasco sauce on their pizza, others like pineapple…Some like both. I like when people cross the line and take others out of their comfort zone.
Pineapple on pizza is offensive?
Yes people believe pineapple is a crime. Especially to Pastaphariens. How date they taint perfectly good Italian delights
I’ve never had pineapple on pizza, so I can’t agree or disagree. It seems odd, though. Why stop at pineapple? Why not bananas or tangerines?
Pineapple on pizza is awesome.
Pineapple on a pizza is a blessing given to us by the heavens.
His comment was definitely OFFENSIVE.
This is actually brilliant. Hold them to their standards.
Relax. Trump supporters hate PC culture so will immediately run to his defense. Ahem.
Relax, anti Trump morons will jump on the #firecolbert campaign because they’d be hypocrites not to. I mean, we all know how mad they get when a celebrity gets caught on video talking about sexual assault, right?
Nope. I support Trump and I thought the joke was funny as hell.
Sexual assault vs a joke about Trump blowing putin. I can see where you don’t see the difference.
Nope. It was funny but can you imagine if a conservative said it?
Can you imagine if he said that about Obama
Would he have called for Don Imus’ firing after the ‘nappy headed hoes’ S***storm?
Tim Hollister calling a straight man’s mouth a cock holster is not the same as calling a black woman a “nappy headed hoe”. It’s like calling a mexican a “honky cracker”. The words have no offensive connotation when utilized against someone that isn’t part of the target group.
#firecolbert for making a joke but this was ok….
So Melissa… if this would have been said about obama and Bidens relationship, it would have been fine?
Pete Bouchez absolutely. Quite frankly it would not have even entered the radar what with all the absolute filth that was coming out of right wingers’ mouths about Obama.
It’s ok when my side does it. Every argument ever.
PC culture, what if I told you I wrote the code for National Defence?
Amy Chapple burning an effigy that belongs to you is a tad different then burning down a building that belongs to someone else. Hard concept, i know.
PC Infringes upon free speech
How so? Just because something is considered not to be pc doesn’t stop you from saying it… it just means someone could find it offensive and there could be repercussions. You have freedom of speech but you don’t have freedom from the consequences of speech.
What are the consequences of speech? I’m really excited to see what happens.
Unless the government plans on prosecuting you for being un pc, pc does not in fact infringe on free speech.
These idiots still don’t understand that freedom of speech only protects us from the government.
Melissa Jane Ries-Lasseter Yes there was vitriol directed at Oblama. The difference is that it was not broadcast from a national network or defended by MSM as free speech. If you cannot see the difference you are intellectually dishonest or blatantly biased
As they try to get Colbert fired for his comments on his show…
There were many horrible things said about Obama’s on Fox news. Many horrible comments from Jones.
This is not an issue of PC culture. This is outright vulgarity. Show me one instance where an entertainer on national tv went after Obama in this fashion let alone an entire industry. This isn’t “one joke” or a casual jab – it is a non-stop narrative; a complete continual assault by the entertainment industry with the collaboration of the mainstream media. Obama endured nothing like this. Imagine if any nationally televised entertainer had said anything remotely like this about Obama. The media would have been calling for blood of the “racist.” As I recall Saturday Night Live, Bill Maher, Late Night with whom ever, and every other outlet loved Obama, Clinton and all the Democrats. Please show me an example where someone on tv said Obama mouth is a cock holster. If the MSM and entertainment industry actually did their jobs during the last 8 years with the new found zeal and dedication it now has perhaps the hypocrisy wouldn’t be so blatant Obama had an adoring entertainment industry that swooned at his feet; and, a worshiping media that downplayed his missteps and anointed him as Savior of the free world until the end of his administration. How short term memories fail….defending this behavior as non-pc is intellectually dishonest and/or blatantly biased. It’s not right vs. left. It’s right vs. wrong.
One Obama wasn’t insulting reporters to their face on their shows like Trump has. He is the one who started the war with the media calling them fake, Deface the Nation, being mad that they quoted him. Although I don’t recall anyone saying Obama was the Savior.
It wasn’t pc and yes it was vulgar on late not TV, if it offended you don’t watch it but don’t be a hypocrite. I don’t like what Fox news or Alex Jones says so I don’t watch it.
I didn’t like when they said Michelle was an ape in heels, transgender, etc. I didn’t like racist comments on those programs so I don’t watch it but I never tried to get them fired.